Chapter 10: Puddlesplash

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Something prodded my side and I groaned.

"Few more minutes Rushfire..."

"It's not Rushfire" I quickly opened my eyes and stared up at my leader. Wishstar was standing in the warriors den looking down at me. Her yellow eyes were sullen and sorrowful.

"Wishstar?" I whispered, "what is wrong?"

"I want to talk to you alone, please" she then quickly and quietly left the warriors den. I stretched a little and quickly followed after her. My head quickly poked out of the warriors den into the comfortable air night. The sky was slightly glowing at edge. Confirming dawn was close. A almost full moon filled the sky at the very edge. I spotted Wishstar below high rock and trotted over.

"Is-is something wrong?" I said sitting in front of her. She sighed and looked me dead in the eyes.

"I have figured out part of your warning vision and thought it best to tell you now"

"You-you did?" I was surprised but relieved at the same time.

"I want you to keep an open mind please"

"Okay..." I raised an eyebrow. She took a deep, confident breath.

"You said that a cat of reddish brown fur saved you from drowning, and that the mystery voice said that blood will save you. I believe the prophecy involves Sparrowscar and you" Wishstar said slowly. I leaned back at the absurdity of this.

I guess it makes sense. Sparrowscar is my dad and is one of the phew reddish brown cats in Thunderclan. And we are related by blood. "I-I mean it makes sense" I whispered.

"He saved you from Mistdapple, he most likely will save you again"

"I-I- know that... Mistdapple thought I was a curse..." I still have nightmares of that cat trying to drown me. I seem to constantly get drowned. I tried to joke in my head. "What about the storm part? I mean if there is something out there that wants to kill so much"

"Do you have any quarrel with any cats? It could be someone angry at you" Wishstar asked gently again.

"No, I get along with almost everyone, even though outside Thunderclan. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances"

"Mmm..." Wishstar went deep into thought. It was quiet for awhile as she thought, I really didn't want to but I felt I had to.


"Yes?" She looked at me like waking up from a trance

"Thank you" was all I could think to say. I don't have much else to say...

"For what?" the older cat looked up with a questioning look.

"You decided to tell me what you figured out immediately. You didn't try to trick me or hide anything"

"You are mature for your age, I can trust you to make mature decisions for yourself and this prophecy. Besides I get your mind has been running at Windclan speed since that weird night"

"You have no idea..." we laughed lightly. She slowly stopped and smiled softly at me.

"If you ever want to talk, I am here for you Puddlesplash"

"You always were..." I smiled back, "you always gave me advice I needed to hear"

"How do you want to approach the situation?" Wishstar asked. She continued after sitting up straighter, "With Sparrowscar?". I clenched my jaw and looked distantly off at sone trees.

"Let's not tell Sparrowscar, it's only a theory and it wouldn't be wise to stress him out over it. Don't want him constantly lingering and such" I thought up.

"You are also good at making decisions. Ever thought of it perusing leadership roles more?"

"Oh Starclan no" I laughed nervously. "That's more Foxhops, Mapleclaws, and Darkclouds for-tell"

"Foxhop isn't very good at training apprentices though. I heard you had to help Petalclaw with hunting"

"Oh, so you found out about that..."

"It's my job to know what goes on in my clan"

"I am not in trouble for that am I?"

"No, I thought it was very respectful of you to keep your help discrete". She looked at the nursery with a cocked head and an idea smile. "Would you be willing to train Forestkit? She seems like she needs a mentor who can keep her busy"

"Oh! Yes of course!" I said a little too loudly. I stopped quickly and looked nervously around to see if I woke anyone up.

"Hehe" Wishstar laughed a little. "Good to hear, and before you go back to sleep what about Rushfire?"


"Do you think he could train an apprentice? I know he isn't the best at Thunderclan things, to put it in his own words, but you could help him"

"Yeah, I think he could" I said truthfully. I am not saying yes because he is my mate.

"I think I'll give him Flykit. Flykit could use a mentor that can keep up with his energy"

"You think so?"

"I am asking you"

"Oh- well umm..." Rushfire is good at bringing cats out of their shells, that's what he did for me anyway. Maybe-

"Think out loud Puddlesplash" Wishstar advised.

"Oh! Well you see-" I started stuttering, "Rushfire is really good at making cats feel comfortable... Firekit is-is a little nervous around any warrior so I think Rushfire should have Firekit"

"I see, to help Firekit feel more confident"

"Yeah! Like how you paired me up with Skyleaf. To bring me out of my nervous barrier"

"You are still nervous" she looked at me like 'yeah, I know you too well'.

"Yeah, well it's only around new cats... and when cats get upset"

"But Rushfire is different than Skyleaf, Rushfire is willing to speak his mind while Skyleaf is a little more thoughtful than loud" Wishstar added.

"Yeah..." I don't like talking bad about Skyleaf, he was such a great mentor... Wait a minute- "Why are you talking to me about this? Shouldn't you talk to Applebrook?"

"I can discuss what I want with who I want" she said in a mischievous way. "Now why don't you head back to your nest and I'll tell Applebrook and Coldheart what we discussed"

"Okay, good night Wishstar"

"Night Puddlesplash"

A lot just happened in a span of a short few minutes... I might get an apprentice and my dad might be very important to the prophecy... but I wish the prophecy didn't involve us. Why us Starclan?

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