Chapter 19: Puddlesplash

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I felt prodding in my side and groaned. "What...?" I said blinking my eyes open and looked up at a blurry Rushfire. "Something wrong?"

"Come on, I want to show you something" he gave me a mischievous smile. Confused I got up with a grumble. I followed my giddy mate outside. He flanked my side once I hit the warm air of green-leaf end.

"What is this about?" I mumbled.

"You'll see" he grinned again and lead me up the path to the top of stone hallow. He seemed so jittery and excited by something so he was definitely up to something. We finally made it up the stone hallow but he didn't stop, Rushfire continued to lead me into the woods. I flicked my ear in confusion but followed. As we made our way through the woods something made me pause. With my pelt pattern I always got stared at when at gatherings, so kinda gained the sense of when some cat was. I was getting that sense now.


"Shh! We are almost there" he gave me a joyous look. He continued walking. I gave the woods a quick glance around and buried the feeling deep down.

Maybe it's just a bird or something. Rushfire stopped in front of a bramble bush and was trying really hard not to bounce around.

"Go inside" he nodded at the small entrance. Giving him a look of suspicion I pushed my way in. The bramble throbs tugging lightly at my pelt. Once I made my way through it was just a hidden field of sorts surrounded by bramble bushes. Rushfire followed me quickly in and gave me a big smirk.

"Rushfire... it's just grass" I was truly confused now.

"Watch this now" he moved through the grass and that was when little bugs started flying up into the air, flickering with a slight glow in a indecisive pattern. They fluttered into the air. It was really adorable to see how excited Rushfire was by fireflies. As he gave me a big goofy grin. "Isn't this so cool?!"

"It really is" I gave him a sincere loving look. Rushfire's ears turned red with embarrassment before brushing his tail widely and causing more fireflies to fly into the air. He was so genuinely excited that my heart skipped a beat just watching him. I followed him into the middle of the small clearing a he rolled through the grass causing even more fireflies to buzz around. Rushfire stayed down watching them fly around and I laid down next to him, purring loudly.

"You are such a goofball"

"Yep, I am your goof ball, forever" he teased before giving me a lick on the check and snuggling into my chest. We watched the fireflies dance against the dark outline of the trees and the night sky. We slowly dozed off just watching the yellow lights.

"Psst" I heard lightly, thinking it was Rushfire I ignored it. I was happily sleeping. Instead he got louder. "PSSST! Puddlesplash?!"

"What Rushfire?" I groaned pulling my head up and blinking the sleep from my eyes. I looked around and quickly spotted that Rushfire was still sleeping. Confused I looked around and spotted something that sent a shiver down my spine, glowing black eyes with green pupils just watching me from the brambles. "Wha-who?"

"Shhhh! You don't want to wake up the mouse brain do you?!" I recognized the voice just as the tom left the darkness of the bramble. Pineclaw emerged, his black and golden tabby pelt had a transparent look to it. His concerning eyes giving me weird signals. What terrified me the most was the just gash along his neck, it bleed profusely with black blood and soaked his chest entirely,

On a more concerning note, how in the name of Starclan is he here?! I knew someone was watching us! He has black eyes, like in the stories about the dark forest! I knew he was a jerk but I didn't think he was that much of a jerk!

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