Chapter 45: Puddlesplash

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"Are you sure you should be getting up?" Rushfire asked as I attempted to stand.

"I slept all of yesterday, and Moonwater says I have a clean bill of health" I smiled genuinely at him. I only felt a little tired, but I couldn't keep resting in the leaders den. I bet my clanmates are wondering what is going on. "I am the deputy of Thunderclan, I should be doing something right?"

"Fine, but don't over exhume yourself"

"Got it mom" I smirked at him and my mate just rolled his eyes, laughing a little.

"Are you feeling better than?" Maplestar asked as she entered her den. I nodded at my leader and as soon as I did she became serious. "Alrighty then," she turned to Rushfire, "I need to talk with deputy in private" Rushfire looked surprised and annoyed, but he didn't say anything and left the leaders den. Maplestar watched him as he did so.

"You want me to tell you about my dream?" I asked.

"Of course, that was the weird dream thing you from Starclan right?"

"Well, yeah of course" I watched Maplestar closely. Moonwaters warning and pleading echoed in my head. I trust both of them, so why would Moonwater want me to lie to Maplestar? I guess I should and then talk to Moonwater about it, just in case I really should lie... even if I don't know why or want to.

"Something wrong deputy?"

"No, no, just trying to remember some more details. It kind of happened really fast". I stood up straighter and started telling my lie, or at least I was partly lying. "The dreams ending is the actual omen," that part was true, "I was at the burial grounds and the landscape was different in my dream than it was in the real world. Instead of scattered mounds all over the place there was only six fresh ones in a line".

"That's it?" She sounded unimpressed and irritated.

"Well, I did argue with the ghost cats cause this dreams are usually... umm... traumatic" I laughed nervously.

"Who were they? Did they say anything useful?"

"I never really see them, they are usually just a voice no actual cat" It sounded stupid as I lied since Pineclaw was the first ghost cat I have seen in my dreams and in real life.

"That is completely useless!" She looked really upset and angry, but it was hard to tell if it was towards me or the omen.

"No it isn't" I argued. Maybe I should tell her about the grave with no cat? No... that seems really odd and too much info. Though I think I figured out the six fresh graves thing. "I think it means we are gonna lose six cats this leaf-bare"

"You think so?" Maplestar raised and eye brow at that. I shrugged at the question. Lying like this was harder than I thought. Maplestar studied me closely. I kept myself calm under her gaze, though I really wanted to freak out.

"Omens are a lot harder to decipher, but based on the clans predicament I'd say it is a likely interpretation" Maplestar muttered something under her breath. She turned her gaze beyond the entrance of her den. A depressed, dull look in her hazel eyes.

"We have a large amount of cats getting sick right now, so your interpretation makes sense"

"How many?"

"So far Moonwater den is filled with ten sick cats"

"Oh Starclan" I hadn't realized how filled it must have been. "What do you want to do about it?"

"I think there is nothing we can do. Six cats are gonna die by end of leafbare regardless of what is done" she turned back to meet my gaze. "You should get going, tomorrow night is the gathering and I want you to report to me what apprentices deserve to go"

"Maplestar a omen doesn't define our future" I tried to reassure. She gave me a thankful glance before nodding me out of the den. I bowed and started to leave, but I stopped and turned back to look at my friend. "What does the sick have?"

"From what Moonwater has told all the sick cats went from having mild White cough to severe greencough over night" Maplestar muttered. I was shocked, but I shook that shock away.

"I can see if Skyclan might have any cat mint to spare, if you want me to"

"Don't bother, they won't help you" she muttered. She laid down her reclaimed nest, ending our conversation with silence, Confused I left the den at that I though Skyclan was still our allies? I wonder if it is connected to them treating us coldly at the borders. If Patchfur is at the gathering tomorrow I'll ask her. As I hoped down to the clearing and looked at the medicine cat den. Moonwater is paranoid about something, which is also out of the ordinary. I'll talk to her once I get her alone, but I am not gonna risk going into the medicine cat den with so many sick cats. I looked over at the elders den and trotted over. I poked my head in and looked around. "Rainstripe? Ravenclaw?"

"It is just me" Ravenclaw muttered. "How you feeling, Maplestar said you came down with some chills"

"I'm fine, I didn't catch greencough thank Starclan. Where is Rainstripe?"

"He has white cough..." Ravenclaw muttered sadly. I pulled my ears back in shock. He was my mothers father and worry built up in my belly.

"Oh Fox dung... I hope Starclan doesn't take him"

"It has nothing to do with Starclan, our den has been leaking and Maplestar had most of our moss removed to give to the warriors and queens" he stated angrily.

"She wou-"

"Yes she did, and none of the apprentices have been doing chores. They come by once in awhile but they have been ordered not to"

"I can get one of the apprentices right now if you want Ravenclaw, have eaten today?"

"No... but that is by my own choice, the queens need it more"

"I'll go hunting right now, and I'll also see if I can find any moss for your nest Ravenclaw"

"Don't bother with the moss, but food would be nice" he smiled gratefully at me. "You are a kind soul Puddlesplash"

"I am just happy to help" I smiled at the elder before leaving. In the back of my mind all I could think about was Rainstripe getting sick. You know he is gonna die, you know he is cause he is old my own internal thoughts mocked me.

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