Chapter 15: Sagelight

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Foxhop is on a rampage...

"I don't understand how Mapleclaw could have yelled at Puddlesplash like that?! He was only trying to be helpful!" My mate kept yelling the same things over and over again as he paced in front of me. We were at the top of the stone hallow because I really didn't want cats knowing our business.

"I mean, Mapleclaw is quiet proud-full. It might have hurt her feelings to know her apprentice went to another cat for help" I tried to reason.

"It doesn't make any sense Sagelight!" He stopped and looked at me pleadingly.

"Look, I agree that Mapleclaw shouldn't have yelled at Puddlesplash, but you have to still understand where she is coming from too. You might have had help from him but Mapleclaw didn't ask"

"Puddlesplash is being a kindhearted! Not once has he ever stepped out of line! Not once has he ignored another cats frustration! He just wanted to help Mothpaw cause she asked" He yowled with a stomp of his foot. At the a large gust of wind nearly blew us over. Looking over a dark cloud had blown across the sky, already darkening most of the territory.

"We should head back down before we get blown off" I stated calmly.

"Yeah your right..." he calmed down and looked a little less angry, still frustrated though.

I wish Forestpaw didn't go blabbing about this to us and Skyleaf, it just brings in more cats than it's worth. Distantly towards Skyclan territory I spotted something bright and flickering. Confused I stated at the orange light for a bit before realizing what it was.

"F-Foxhop?" I stuttered

"Yeah?" He sounded quizingly. He followed my gaze and quickly saw what I saw. "Mouse dung! The tree is on fire!" He yelled. Several trees on our border were caught on fire. The embers spreading with the strong wind and pushing further into Thunderclan territory.

"The fire is spreading! We need everyone to get out of camp!" I quickly yelled. We raced down the small path and into camp, almost tripping over our own paws as we did. The faint smell of smoke had already started to spread into camp, carried most likely by the powerful winds

"Does anyone smell smoke?" Darkcloud asked, sniffing the air more. Wishstar had existed her den at the faint smell.

"Wishstar!" Foxhop yelled. The black tortoiseshell turned her head quickly to us as we stopped on the path. "There is a fire! On the border between us and Skyclan!"

"Oh Starclan, Everyone!" Wishstar turned and yelled louder than I have ever heard. "There is a fire! All cats need to get to the beach! I need a few cats to go and look for our hunting parties and border patrols stat!"

"I'll go find Puddlesplash and his group since they went out again!" Rushfire called out. Without waiting for an answer I saw the red and ginger tabby run off into the woods.

"I'll go get the Windclan patrol!" Darkcloud head butted Luckywish before racing off as well.

"The medicine cats were off getting herbs! I'll go find them!" Kindpetal quickly turned to her apprentice. "Get to the beach Firepaw, and help the queens" Kindpetal bolted out in search of her brother and Moonwater.

"I'll go and get the Skyclan patrol!" Foxhop yelled before I could protest. My orange tabby mate smiled at me before running off to find the patrol.

"Alright! Everyone else let's get to the beach! Grab a kit if you can!" I watched as many cats quickly grabbed prey and I saw Silverfeather rush into the medicine cat den and grab as much herbs as she could. I ran all the way down and started comforting Luckywish.

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