Chapter 58: Maplestar

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I trotted out of leaders den at the small commotion. Looking around I saw Coppernose talking with Dawndrop again. Also outside was Orchidfrost and her kits. Branchtail was playing with them while she was off to the side, surprisingly talking with Mothdust. I looked back at the anxious Coppernose.

Nightrain must be miserable if he is upset... I thought as I dropped down from Highrock. I could feel the glares of my warriors as I walked over to the growing fresh kill pile. With the leaves starting to bud and it warming up a little the prey was flowing better. I grabbed a shrew and was gonna head back to my den when I got a glimpse of Ashenpaw standing were Sparrowscar had placed Plumpaw. She was just staring at the spot as if a Plumpaw was gonna pop right there from out of the ground. I pulled my ears back and turned my attention away from the grieving cat. I didn't mean for her to die... As I was about to jump back up and into my den, Cardinalrush stopped me.

"What?" I muttered through the shrew.

"I heard some of the warriors saying that they spotted Brindlepelt looking over the border calling out to Rushfire. Still no sign of Screechpaw however"

"Who cares?" I mumbled. Cardinalrush looked annoyed.

"Who cares? Those two abandoned and ran off from Thunderclan when Pu-" I glared at her which kept her from saying his name. She sighed and backed off. "Sorry to disturb you"

"They left cause Thunderclan is weak and they knew they wouldn't survive" I muttered through the fur of the shrew in my mouth. "What more is there to say?"

"Thunderclan is still strong, we just lost one battle" Cardinalrush huffed.

"If we were we wouldn't have lost any cat" I grumbled. I passed my deputy to, again, attempt to jump up and enter my den, but I was stopped by the pounding of paws. I turned quickly to the entrance thinking we were being attacked. The dawn Windclan border patrol came back sooner then they should have. Suspicious I dropped my shrew and walked over to confront Slatefoot, who looked annoyed but relived to see me. "What's wrong?"

"There is a group of cats waiting at the border," Slatefoot informed, "Snailstar and Birchleaf".

"What do they want?" Cardinalrush asked aggressively.

"They want to talk to you Maplestar tomorrow at high noon. The wish to meet at the end of the creek that marks our border" Slatefoot stated firmly.

"I bet it is an ambush Maplestar, we should prepare for a fight" Cardinalrush advised. I rolled my eyes.

"It isn't, Snailstar doesn't stoop that low Cardinalrush" I hissed.

"How do you know for sure?"

"Cause I know what type of cat he is. He is never one to start the battle but to end it" what does he want to discuss? I know what I want to discuss... I looked back at Ashenpaw. The silver she-cat was still sitting and staring at Plumpaw's spot. I want to discuss the end of this horrible idea of a war... I can't believe I let Briarstar black mail me... Puddlesplash was right... I walked away, heading to my den, and picking up my abandoned shrew.

"Are you actually gonna go tomorrow?" Cardinalrush asked with no answer.


My head was bobbing as I tried to stay awake. I was curled up in my nest waiting for Briarstar to come and discuss plans. She is gonna hate me after this meeting... I thought as I looked outside of my den. The dim moonlight filtered in lighting up my cave with silver light. Meeting at night so Windclan and Shadowclan cats can't see us traveling between each other. I wonder how her campaign against Shadowclan went? Briarstar hadn't asked for my help so I guess she is holding up okay against Tinystar...

"They're here" Cardinalrush said as she came and blocked the entrance to the cave. I sat up as Cardinalrush stood aside and Briarstar and Shortlake entered. Cardinalrush left us alone. The young warrior had no care for this.

"Greetings Maplestar" Briarstar said grimly.

"Hi Briarstar" I mumbled. I just don't want to deal with you right now.

"I heard your first battle with Snailstar didn't go well, how unfortunate" she stated her dismay. I looked away from her hazel gaze as it reminded to much of my own fathers disappointment look.

"Yes, we lost a valuable apprentice and a warrior" I informed. "It's making me revaluate this situation"

"What? The loss of one battle and two cats?" Briarstar sounded angry. "I lost three warriors in my four fights against Tinystar. You'll get use to losing cats Maplestar"

"It's not just that" I hissed, losing my temper a little at the leader. I sighed and lashed my tail. "Snailstar and I are meeting tomorrow to talk"

"Talk surrender of territory or your cowardness?" At that I lost it.

"Coward?! Did you just call me a coward?!" I growled deeply and loudly. "I am thinking of the safety of my warriors and their futures!"

"Your showing yourself to be as soft as a Kittypet!"

"Briarstar..." Shortlake grumbled. Briarstar shot her brother an annoyed look before looking annoyed at me.

"We stick to this war Maplestar!" She hissed. "You know what happened if you don't" Briarstar spat before leaving briskly. Shortlake sighed and bowed to me slightly.

"Goodbye Maplestar" Shortlake and her left followed by Cardinalrush. I sat stewing Briarstars words in my head.

Coward?! Soft Kittypet?! I'll show her that fox hearted leader!


"What?!" I snapped at the reappearance of Cardinalrush.

"I wanted to discuss your plans for tomorrow, the plan for your meeting with-"

"Yes! Hopefully Snailstar will accept my apology"

"Is that really good for your imagery?"

"I don't care about that, I don't want to loose any cats"

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