Chapter 49: Puddlesplash

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"I bet she has her reasons ..." I trailed off.

"Stop using that as an excuse!" Moonwater hissed. I pinned my ears back but didn't say anything. "Plumpaw had a gift with herbs and passion towards it. There is no reason to make Plumpaw her apprentice"

"Well I don't know why! It's not like she talks to me other than give me orders" I argued in hushed tones.

"I know why, cause she wants to keep me under her paw. She knows I know she still doesn't have nine lives" Moonwater grumbled.

"Maplestar did it cause that is what she thought fit"

"Ugh!" Moonwater stomped away. She was frustrated with me.

Well it goes both ways I am frustrated with you! Why do you still think the worse Maplestar?

"Puddlesplash are you busy? Cause I really really want to go do something!" Screechpaw ran up to me squealing happily. "I can't believe I got the deputy as my mentor! Oooo I am totally gonna be the best apprentice! You trained two other apprentices before me right? I wanna be the greatest apprentice, better than them!"

"Screechpaw calm down" I smiled awkwardly. Oh Starclan, she has more energy than I thought. "I am gonna show you the territory first"

"I get to leave camp finally! Yay!" She bounces around in a circle. "When will I start training? I heard you're the best hunter!"

"Depends, now lets go" I started leading my very energetic apprentice to the camp entrance. I mean, Forestfrost was energetic but not to this extent. Screechpaw seemed so much calmer when she was with her littermates... I spotted from the corner of my eye Plumpaw cuddling with Sagelight. I felt pity and stopped to look up at the leaders den. Maplestar hadn't left.

"Why did we stop?" Screechpaw asked me from behind. I looked at her then back at Plumpaw.

"Wait right here okay? I promise will be leaving shortly"

"Okay!" Screechpaw plotted her fluffy butt right where she was and smiled eagerly. I gave her a nod before trotting over to Plumpaw and Sagelight. Sagelight looked up as I approached and looked a little angry.

"Did you know Maplestar was gonna do that?" Sagelight asked as I got closer. Her voice was brimming with spite.

"No, truly I didn't" I shrunk a little. Sagelight softened and looked apologetic.

"Sorry Puddlesplash," she sighed, "I am just upset for Plumpaw".

"Which is why I am here" I smiled a little. I looked at Plumpaw and she looked up at me with round misery filled eyes. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me and your sister on a tour around the territory".

"That's okay, I don't really want to..." Plumpaw trailer off.

"Thats too bad, I was hoping to show you were you can find any herb you want" I winked at the dark brown she-cat. Plumpaw peeked up at smiled sheepishly.

"Really... but I am a warrior apprentice..."

"I learned a few herbs and I am a deputy" I persuaded. Plumpaw looked up at her mother who gave her an approving and confident purr.

"Thank you Puddlesplash!" Plumpaw chirped and swiftly sprang to her paws.

"Why don't you go join Screechpaw, I wanna talk with your mom for a second"

"Ok!" she smiled big. "Thank you again Puddlesplash, thank you so much" she blurted before running over to join her sister. My kindness must have given Plumpaw a spurt of energy, or she just hid her bouncy self.

"Do you wanna join us Sagelight? I bet you would enjoy it" I asked the dark tabby. Sagelight looked surprised but then grateful.

"Do you think that would seem to clingy? Joining two of my kits in their exploration of the territory?"

"Nah! I don't think so" I joked. Sagelight laughed and then followed me to join the two new apprentices.

"And mom is gonna join us too!" Screechpaw looked overjoyed. She continued talking even after we tried to leave camp again. "Ooo! Can Eaglepaw, Ashenpaw, and their mentors come too! It would be so much fun! And then maybe we coul-"

"Actually, I was go ask if me and Ashenpaw could join you" Mothdust asked. I turned around to see the grey and brown tabby looking embarrassed about asking. Ashenpaw was standing a little behind her. Mothdust came up to be closer so as for the three apprentices to not hear. "I-I really don't know what I should do and I saw you guys leaving as a group so I thought..." Mothdust whispered.

"I understand" I sympathized, "you can join us. At this rate we should get Cardinalrush and Eaglepaw too"

"They already left, Cardinalrush wanted to start Eaglepaws training as soon as possible" Mothdust sighed.

"Alright, if this is it then we can finally get going"

"Yay!" Screechpaw jumped up in the air. We left single file line out of camp and walked as a group into the woods. I could hear the three apprentices gasp as they gaze around our barren woods. The snow was light right now, melting away as we neared the end of leafbare. This was my least favorite part of the seasons. When everything was just cold, wet, and just every shade of brown. When everything is covered in snow at least it's beautiful and makes up for the cold and wet. Everything is a little more barren as most of the woods was burned away durring the fire so their isn't much under the trees either.

"I'd say we should check out the lake first!" I called towards the back. The three apprentices cheered at that.

"Ooo, if the lake is frozen can we go on it?" Screechpaw asked. Before any of us warriors could say no Ashenpaw spoke.

"Of course not mouse brain! If the ice breaks you're a goner"

"Yeah please don't Screechpaw" Plumpaw asked much gentler than Ashenpaws blunt criticism.

"You guys are no fun sometimes" Screechpaw muttered and I held back a giggle. As the three apprentices continued chatting away, I guess kind of ignoring the three warriors on the front, Sagelight whispered to me a question.

"I saw you and Moonwater arguing after the ceremony, what was that about?"

"She was ra-" I paused and quickly changed my sentence, "She was asking me if I knew anything about Maplestar and Plumpaw"

"I feel like that was out of know where" Mothdust muttered angrily. I was kind of surprised by her reaction, and also cause I didn't think she was paying attention or heard us.

I thought her and Maplestar were on good terms.

"I heard Moonwater say 'how are you gonna be able to excuse that?'" Sagelight whispered again.

"Are you three fighting or something?" Mothdust whispered as well. I felt corned as these two she-cats expected an answer.

"I... well-umm-"

"Oh Starclan, you three are" Sagelight sighed quietly.

"Its complicated... Moonwater is very upset and-I-I want to support both of them but... but they are at odds and-and-" I stuttered and was getting visibly more upset. I stopped talking and shut my trap quickly. "I shouldn't talk about it"

"If Maplestar is doing something fox hearted or mouse brained than you should call her out on it" Mothdust advised. "I did and it made me feel better". I glanced at Sagelight who looked conflicted about something, or at least something she wanted to say. I shrugged and put on a happy face for the new apprentices as we reached the lake.

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