Chapter 33: Sagelight

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"There you go Leafbloom" I said as I gave her some more moss. Leafbloom looked sadly up at me as her only two surviving kits mewed hungrily. Sadly their littermate did not make it to camp.

"Thank you Sagelight" she sounded tired. I purred softly.

"I'll let you and your kits rest, and I'll keep mine from bothering you" I laughed a little. She didn't laugh but grew mire sadden.

"I hope Swiftwater is still alive... I don't think I can raise my kits by myself" she muttered. A familiar pain in my chest stabbed me but I shiver it deep down for now.

"I bet he is, I doubt Starclan would take him away from you now" I lied through my teeth. It wasn't how I truly felt. Starclan has no control over a cats path. I left the young Windclan Queen with her kits and snuggled with my curious ones.

"Wow, they are so small and squeaky. Like mice!" Screechkit mewed as she watched Leafblooms kits with wide eyes.

"You have never seen a live mouse Screechkit" Ashenkit grumbled.

"Yeah I have! The Puddlesplash caught one and it was small!"

"But it was dead" Ashenkit grumbled more. Screechkit stepped onto her sisters head to meet me at eye level.

"Mom, do mice squeak?"

"Of course they do"

"See! Mom says they do Ashenkit!" Screechkit yowled in triumph as she squashed her sister below her.

"Alright, alright, just get off!" Ashenkit squirmed. Eaglekit popped up and quickly tackled his litternate off of Ashenkit.

"I'll save you!" He bravely announced as he pinned Screechkit.

"I don't need saving" Ashenkit shook her silver dapple pelt.

"Those four are a handful" Leafbloom said quietly. I laughed nervously.

"Oh, yes they are"

"Mom, when I get older I want kits" Plumkit said. She had been watching the young kits from over my back. Her large blue eyes kind and soft.

"I don't" Ashenkit shook her head and stuck her tongue out in disgust. "I hate the idea of being cooped up"

"What if your mate was a den dad, like Neville is?" Eaglekit asked before getting shoved off of Screechkit.

"Who says I want a mate?" Ashenkit sounded in protest.

"Kits, calm down" I advised.

"I hope I don't have that large of a litter" Orchidfrost giggled. I gave he tired knowing smile.

"Helof " Moonwaters head popped into the nursery. Her mouth was full of herbs for Leafbloom. Moonwater was slightly soaked from the chilly rain outside, that had suddenly picked up again.

"Hello Moonwater" I greeted.

"Moonwater!" Plumkit squealed happily.

"Just here to check up on Leafbloom" the medicine cat said as she dropped the herbs next to Leafbloom. "I got you borage leaves, bramble twigs, and ivy" the dark grey tabby smiled. "Rowanpaw is coming in soon with a mouse"

"Thank you Moonwater" Leafbloom smiled gratefully before chewing the bitter herbs.

"Is it alright if I check your kits?"

"Yes, just please be careful"

"Of course" Moonwater gave the nervous Queen a gentle purr before sniffing and checking her two kits. I was watching when I heard paw steps by the nursery. I flicked my ears and turned my head to see the Windclan apprentice who had come to get help. Rowanpaw was wet from the heavily pounding rain outside, but it didn't bother him as he dropped off a mouse for the Windclan Queen.

"Sorry it is wet Leafbloom"

"It is okay" she said before chowing down.

"Your kits seem fine, they just need a bit more warmth and milk" Moonwater smiled. The she-cat turned her attention to Orchidfrost. "You feeling okay too?"

"Yes, I don't feel any different" Orchidfrost replied.

"If this rain keeps up there could be another landslide" Rowanpaw muttered as he stared out of the entrance and at the muddy mess outside.

"Thunderclan camp is quiet safe" Moonwater soothed.

"Windclan isn't" Leafbloom pulled her kits closer to her belly.

"You don't have to worry about your clan mates, Puddlesplash and Thrushfeather are helping all the injured cats back here till this weather is over. It is taking a bit but they wanna make sure all of your cats stay safe"

"I think we are all gonna be grateful for Thunderclans hospitality" Rowanpaw bowed.

"Is becoming a great medicine cat hard Moonwater?" Plumkit asked. My little she-kit walked up to Moonwater with a happy smile.

"I wanna say it is hard, but to me it felt and seemed as difficult as becoming a warrior. You have to remember all sorts of herbs and treatments like a warrior remembers hunting and battle moves. You have chores like one and most days you are always on your paws"

"I'm gonna check on Speckflight" Rowanpaw got up and left the nursery.

"I should too" Moonwater grinned at all of us before following the apprentice out into the rain.

"Plumkit?" Screechkit asked. I quickly began watching my kits again.

"Yeah?" Plumkit nestled into my side.

"Why were you asking Moonwater that question?" I watched Plumkit face as it quickly fell from being contempt to nervous.

"I-I just think medicine cats are cool, that's all"

"Tha-" Screechkit didn't finish as the ground below our paws shook a little. My kits squealed and huddled into me out of fear. I fluffed out and Orchidfrost jumped up hissing. Leafbloom fluffed up as well and protectively stood over her kits.

"Mom! What was that?" Eaglekit squealed as he buried his face into my fur. Outside I could hear cats panic and race around.

Oh please tell me there wasn't a landslide here!? We all got startled as Rowanpaw's face popped in a panic.

"Leafbloom are you okay!?"

"Yes Rowanpaw! But what was that shake?"

"I don't know, but Puddlesplash and Thrushfeather just got up and just left to check Windclan territory"

"So camp is safe?" Orchidfrost asked.

"Yeah" Rowanpaw moved out of the way as Branchtail came in to check on Orchidfrost.

"Are yo-"

"I am fine sweety" Orchidfrost purred as he snuggled her.

"Who did the two bring back? Thrushfeather and the Thunderclan cat" Leafbloom asked.

"A few injured cats, and two of the ones who were missing" Rowanpaw informed.

"Swiftwater! You have a head injury! Lay down!" Moonwaters worried order echoed into the nursery. Rowanpaw was shoved aside as a very dirty tom rushed in.

"Leafbloom! Are you alright? Are our kits okay?" I quickly guessed he was Swiftwater, her mate. I remember the cat being silver, but his fur was so disgusting he looked like a living dirt pile. I could see a mixture of mud and blood surrounding an area of his head. Moonwater rushes in glaring at the tom.

"Starclan's might! Swiftwater if you die I swear..." It was odd and funny seeing Moonwater irritated.

"Sorry..." he smiled nervously at Moonwater before sniffing his kits. "Wait, where is-"

"He didn't make it" Leafbloom said sadly. Both their heads dropped as they mourned silently for the loss of their kit.

"Moonwater, what was that shaking?" Branchtail asked as he wrapped his tail around Orchidfrost. Moonwater looked at the brown tabby and shook her head.

"I have no clue, but it obviously wasn't good"

"I hope it doesn't come again!" Ashenkit announced.

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