Chapter 55: Maplestar

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"Cardinalrush I need you to pick out cats for the attack at high noon today"

"What do you have in mind?" The tortoiseshell grumbled.

"I need to two teams," I stated, "team one is to be the main frontal attack team and the second team is to be the back up for team one if they need it".

"How many cats?"

"As many as you think necessary" I growled. Cardinalrush took this as a time to leave. I was left alone in my den, which I was glad for. No one to bother me, no one to question me, no one to argue with me. Just me... and I still hate it...

I could hear the nagging voice of my own thoughts start to come up. They are plotting against you. They'll leave like Puddlesplash, like Rushfire, like every cat in your life. All because you are weak and pathetic and a liar. They know you tried to go and chase Puddlesplash and Rushfire far away from the clans lasts night. They know who you killed... they know... they know...


I stood at the edge of highrock, looking down at my clan mates. Cardinalrush was at my side, ready for when I called the clan meeting.

"All warriors old enough to catch their own prey, join under highrock!"  I watched as my clanmates slowly gathered below. I studied each face. Everyone was watching me with mixed expression, or just pure anger and disgust. I ignored those ones.

"We are attacking Windclan today!" I yelled once the clan had finished gathering. The crowd began grumbling and complaining quickly.

"We really shouldn't! We just got out of leaf-bare yet!" Branchtail argued.

"It's ridiculous to be fighting clans!" Whiteleaf yelled.

"This entire thing is mouse brained!" Dawndrop hissed.

"Well if you don't like my decisions there is the camp exit! Leave Thunderclan like Puddlesplash and the others if you don't want to deal with it!" I let my anger boil over. Every cat went quiet, looking around to see if any cat was gonna get up and leave. To my credit no cat did. "If you stay here you better follow my orders" I growled loud enough for everyone to hear. I was met with stone cold silence and glares. I continued describing the plan. "Me and Cardinalrush will be leading team one. Team one will be the main attack team! Team two will be led by Smokefoot! Team two is back up if team one needs it! The teams will be trailing across Windclan territory attacking any cat we see! Team two will trail behind team one a good distance so as to not be spotted but to still be close by if needed! I'll yell if Team one needs Team twos help! Understood?!". No cat made and inquired so I continued.
"Team one will be Sparrowscar, Silverfeather, Darkcloud, Coppernose, Springtail, Mothdust, Forestfrost, Flutterbird, Blizzardskip, Jaggedtail, Fireash, Eaglepaw, and Plumpaw. Team two will be Whiteleaf, Branchtail, Fallensnow, and Ashenpaw! Everyone get ready will be leaving shortly!" I jumped down with Cardinalrush following behind me. I sat and waited at the entrance of camp for team one to group up. My clan mates we talking, sharing mews of luck and promises to come back to those staying behind. They slowly formed around me, with Team Two grouping around Smokefoot. I could tell from my clanmates faces they didn't want to deal with this but they had to. Once everyone had gathered I led them out of camp. It was a silent walk to Windclan border. No one talked, not even the two apprentices. The silence lay heavy on us like an anxious cloud. Or it at least made me anxious. I flicked my tail upwards at the sight of the border. The group stopped and I nodded at Cardinalrush to look for a patrol. She nodded back and moved forward quietly. Her head swerving up and down the border looking for any Windclan cat. She came back confidently.

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