Chapter 65: Puddlesplash

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"I think I want to make our four older apprentices warriors before we make it to the territories" Applestar muttered under his breath as he hobbled next to me. I had slowed myself down so he wouldn't have to push harder to keep up with my normal pace. The rest of the group was ahead as we walked through the mostly flat field. The sun above was slowly starting to dip below the horizon.

"You want to do it now?" I was a little unsure.

"Yeah! I mean, I feel as if our clanmates would be more accepting if they see I recognize them as warriors. Besides they are pretty much have the skills of a warriors and they are taking to our learning our customs well don't you think?"

"You forget that Indigopaw questions everything we say. Rushfire is questioning why she is even here"

"It's Indigopaw" Applestar shrugged. "Do you not think I should?"

I mean he is right, they will have a hard time with our clanmates already...them being cats with warrior names will make it easier for them. I am more surprised he is asking me if he should! I know I am suppose to advice him when it comes to making a decision but I didn't think he was actually gonna take my opinion... am I really that conditioned to just obey a leaders every whim? "I understand where you are coming from, and if that's what you want to do go for it! Just not Beepaw, he is still pretty young and isn't that good at fighting yet"

"Thank you Puddlesplash!" Applestar looked towards the rest of our group. "Guys! Stop for a few moments!"

"Yeah Applestar?" Flickerpaw stopped to look at Applestar and me. The rest of the group stopped too.

"What is it now?" Indigopaw groaned.

"I want to make you guys warriors before we reach the lake" Applestar informed gleefully.

"All of us!?" Screechpaw bounced up. Beepaw looked up really hopefully.

"No!" Rushfire and I said sternly. Screechpaw sighed angrily.

"Ugh... come on!"

"You really want to make us four warriors right now?" Flickerpaw sounded very happy.

"Awesome! I hope we get cool names like Puddlesplash and Rushfire!" Smaugpaw said cheerfully.

"What was your name before you became leader Applestar?" Lemonpaw asked.

"Oh! I was Applebrook" Applestar smiled. "Anyway... Flickerpaw, Indigopaw, Smaugpaw, and Lemonpaw please step forward"

"Wha-" Indigopaw raises an eyebrow.

"You have to go and sit in front of Applestar" Rushfire whispered angrily. Indigopaw rolled her eyes at my mate. I went and sat next to him while the four cats stepped forward and sat in front of Applestar in a line.

"I, Applestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." Applestar turned to look at Flickerpaw. "Flickerpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes" the dark red tabby said with a sweet smile.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Flickerpaw, from this moment you will be known as Flickerleaf. StarClan honors your heart and spirit, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!"

"Flickerleaf! Flickerleaf! Flickerleaf!" Rushfire, Screechpaw, and I cheered as Applestar placed his muzzle on his 'close' friend. It took Beepaw a second to catch on before he cheered too.

"Indigopaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do" Indigopaw surprised me with her serious voice when answering. I really thought she would have said something snarky.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Indigopaw, from this moment you will be known as Indigocloud. StarClan honors your strength and outspoken voice, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!"

"Indigocloud! Indigocloud! Indigocloud!" We cheered, this time Beepaw remembered and had no delayed cheer. I swear I could see Indigopool stand up straighter after Applestar places his nose on her forehead.

"Smaugpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I sure do!"

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Smaugpaw, from this moment you will be known as Smaugclaw. StarClan honors your enthusiasm and cheerfulness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!"

"Smaugclaw! Smaugclaw! Smaugclaw!"

"Lemonpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!"

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Lemonpaw, from this moment you will be known as Lemonpelt. StarClan honors your kindness and compassion, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!"

"Lemonpelt! Lemonpelt! Lemonpelt!"

"I present my clan mates with four new warriors!"

"Flickerleaf! Indigocloud! Smaugclaw! Lemonpelt!" Beepaw got confused.

"Wow... Smaugclaw! It sounds so cool!" Smaugclaw smiled big.

"Indigocloud sounds nice" the she-cat has nothing rude to say.

"Thank you Applestar" Lemonpelt bowed a little to our leader.

"Heh! It was nothin!" He said with a smile bigger than Smaugclaws.


I stretched as we reached the top of the hill. Night had fallen by now as we looked over the lake so familiar to us. I couldn't help but take a deep breath and take in the familiar scents. Rushfire sighed in relief at the sight of home.

"Wow..." Indigocloud looked at the lake territories in awe. I don't hold it against her, the territories were beautiful. The full silver moon above reflected dim blue light of the surface of the lake. The now dark green tree line and golden grass of the moore shifted in the light breeze making it look like small waves were crashing over the territories

"I have never seen such a large body of water before!" Smaugclaw expressed.

"Yep! Over there is Thunderclan!" Screechpaw pointed with her tail to the dense woodland of our territory.

"And that's the barns! I use to live there!" Beepaw jumped up and down in happiness.

"Hey... Applestar" Rushfire looked concerned, "there is a gathering tonight"

"Isn't that when all the clans meet to discuss stuff?" Flickerleaf asked.

"Yep..." I looked at Applestar. "Do you wanna crash it?"

"Uh of course!" Applestar said seriously. "I want all the clans to know what murdering fraud Mapleclaw is!"

That...that just hurts... I wanted to flick at those words. I want to believe Mapleclaw is still my friend deep down. But still... she killed Foxhop... and Coldheart... cats I know and cared for... so why does I still feel like I am clinging onto something that obviously isn't their anymore?

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