Chapter 12: Sagelight

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I was crouched, ready to pounce on the quail just lumbering around and occasionally pecking at the ground when sudden crashing scared it off. I grumbled in frustration abs looked over to see Foxhop scared for his life. Confused I and a bit panicked I was gonna ask what was wrong but he got to it first.

"Petalclaw was found de-sigh-dead at the training grounds. Snappaw and Springpaw found her first when they ran ahead of their mentors...". My eyes went wide with shock before concern for my younger sisters took hold. "Are they at camp? Are they ok?"

"Yes they are fine but we gotta go to camp, every cat is freaking out right now" I nodded a d followed my Nate quickly. My mind running frantically as my paws did beneath me.

First Pineclaw died now Petalclaw, his daughter, is dead. What's next is Starclan gonna rain fire down from above?! Oh I can't believe Snappaw and Springpaw had to find her... they don't need to see that kind of scene. I out paced Foxhop and got to the camp entrance despite he head start. We huffed as we were slightly out of breath and quickly entered. Even as we entered I could hear the audible cry and screaming of Dawndrop, Petalclaws mother, coming from inside the hollow. Unlike when Pineclaw died, her yelling wasn't from anger but from sorrow and grief. Inside everyone was panicking, checking loved ones, sending cats to collect patrols, and setting up search patties to find the killer. I spotted Dawndrop in the middle of camp as she clung to her daughters lifeless body. Coppernose was off to the side keeping his youngest siblings away from the body. I heard one ask a question that tore my heart in half.

"Is sis with dad now?" Sycamorekit asked Coppernose. I watched the tom pull his ears back and a few moments later nod his head softly.

"At least daddy won't be alone now" Flutterkit said as Coppernose pushed them into the nursery.

No kit should be saying that, no kit should have to see kin drop like flies... We quickly moved to the side as cats flooded back into camp confused and scared. Looking back at Petalclaws body her hazel gaze was focused lazily on something in the distance and her golden chest was dark red with blood. She had scratch over one eye, staining her face with blood as well.

"Petalclaw..." Foxhop trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. I sighed and purred to him to try and make him feel better.

"You did a great job training her"

"Not good enough since she couldn't even protect herself..." Foxhop mumbled looking down at his white paws.

"Foxhop don't blame yourself" I order slash encourage. He didn't respond, just continued to look at his paws. Darkcloud and Mothpaw came in and were shocked to see Petalclaws body. She was on their patrol, but where is Mapleclaw? As if to answer my question she wasn't that far behind them, looking as confused and uncomfortable as we were.

"You had something to do with this!" Dawndrop saw the three and hissed. "You're the reason she is dead!"

"What happened?" Darkcloud looked around for answer.

"We found Petalclaws body at the training grounds," Applebrook answered, "wasn't she with you guys on patrol?"

"Yeah, but she got scratched on the eye by a rabbit a Windclan apprentice chased over" Darkcloud said, looking at Petalclaw with great amount confusion. "I sent Mapleclaw after her to make sure she gets back to camp"

"Mapleclaw?" Applebrook turned to look at his past apprentice.

"I tried to get her back to camp but she lashed out at me, screaming and calling me a coward for not attack the apprentice or defending her. I told her she needed to see the medicine cats but she screamed something incoherent and ran off." Mapleclaw said. "I wanted to follow but with her in that state I was a bit afraid she would lash her anger out on me" she clenched her jaw and looked at Petalclaws body with regret and sorrow.

"You three are to blame!" Dawndrop hissed, "You shouldn't have left her alone! Especially you Mapleclaw! She was injured and angry and you just left her out in the woods alone, with her fathers killer still out there?!"

"I am sorry, I am to blame" Mapleclaw bowed politely to the grieving mother. "I should have ignored her words and tried to get her back to camp" the red cat tried to not choke on her own words.

"Your apology can't bring my daughter back" Dawndrop growled lowly. Tears were streaming down the creamy gingers face as she attempted to kill Mapleclaw with just her gaze. Foxhop's words made me jump.

"Of course Mapleclaw was there" he grumbled lowly. "I hope she blames herself as much as I do".


"Well, Rainstripe will prepare for her vigil tonight" Wishstar came out of no where. The old tortoiseshell she-cat looked tired as she looked at Dawndrop with sympathy. "We are all sorry for you Dawndrop, you and your kits have lost too much recently"

"I told you you should have done something! Anything! I knew the killer would strike again but no cat believed me! Now I have to bury another kit, another loved one! All because of all you mouse hearts!"

"Will find out who killed Petalclaw and Pineclaw, I promise you Dawndrop" Applebrook spoke up. He's usual mellow and optimistic personality replaced with one of righteous confidence. Dawndrop gaze went back to Mapleclaw as something clicked in her head.

"Mapleclaw has red fur... and both my mate and kit were killed when she was out of camp" everyone's eyes went wide with shock as cats glanced between the queen and the warrior. Mapleclaws hazel eyes looked pained by the accusation and she took a step back from the crowd.

"I was out hunting with Mothpaw on the day Pineclaw died" she stated, she sounded ready to cry herself. Dawndrop eyes softened, only a little of course, before looking down at her daughters body with anguish.

"You are still at fault, if you hadn't left my daughter alone I would still have her here"

"I know... and I will blame myself for it to the grave"

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