Chapter 48: Sagelight

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I sighed as I stretched and got out of my nest.

Today is the day...

"Oh goodie! When do you think Maplestar will call a clan meeting to make us apprentices! Ooo I hope she does so super soon!" Screechkit bounced around Eaglekit with enthusiasm. I couldn't help but smile sadly and worry.

She never asked to talk with me about mentors, though why would she. Why would she talk to me... or anyone. Ever since the gathering where Whitestar announced his end to our announcement she hasn't been about.

"I want Puddlesplash to be my mentor" Ashenkit said. Screechkit stopped and pouted at her silver sister.

"Aww but I wanted him"

"Well I want him more"

"Fine, then I want Maplestar!"

"But she is leader!"

"And you got the deputy!"

"I hope I get Smokefoot, he is such a great warrior" Eaglekit imputed as two of his littermates argued. "And you are of course gonna get Moonwater right Plumkit?"

"Yeah, I wanna be a medicine cat!" My tinniest kit mewed. Though she wasn't tiny anymore. She is a pretty average sized cat, but compared to her three siblings she is still small.

"I think any mentor would be lucky to have you four as their apprentices" I smiled.

"Aww mom! Don't start getting sad on us!" Screechkit joked and stuck her tongue out at me.

"I can't help getting sappy" I joked back. It was hard to see my kits be leaving the nursery, but it was better than not losing any. I feel so bad for Orchidfrost, she lost poor Bumblekit to greencough. Thank Starclan at least Elmkit and Heatkit survived.

"Ooo! Ooo! Maplestar is walking out onto Highrock! I think she is about to-"

"All warriors old enough to catch their own prey, join under Highrock!" The leader called out. The clan slowly started to gather. My four kits bouncing up and down with glee. It sting only a little to think Foxhop was was watching.

I wish you were here right now. I thought as I watched my kits jitter with joy.

"Today Sagelights kits have reached six moons old!" Maplestar continued once the crowd had gathered. "Eaglekit please step forward". I watched as my handsome orange tabby son trotted over and sat down below our leader. "From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Eaglepaw. Your mentor will be Cardinalrush. I hope Cardinalrush will pass down all she knows on to you". I was shocked as Cardinalrush came forth and sat next to my son. "Cardinalrush, you are ready to take on your first apprentice. You have received excellent training from Ravenclaw, and you have shown yourself to be ambitious and strong. You will be the mentor of Eaglepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Eaglepaw" the two touched noses and the crowd cheered.

"Eaglepaw! Eaglepaw! Eaglepaw!" I cheered louder than most in the crowd. I still a little unpleased by the choice in mentor.

Cardinalrush is brash and rude, with no respect for any cat. I hardly think she was ready for an apprentice...

"Plumkit, please step forward" Maplestar voice boomed over the crowd. Plumkit cane trotting up to the leader happily, glancing at Moonwater who sat eagerly in the crowd.

I can't believe Plumkit will get to be a medicine cat, oooo I am so excited and proud.

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Plumpaw. Your mentor will be me. I hope I can pass down all I knows on to you". I was shocked and jumped to my paws in protest, and so was Moonwater. The crowd murmured in disbelief. Every cat knew that Plumpaw wanted to be a medicine cat. It was very obvious.

"Maplestar we discussed this! Plumpaw was to become a medicine cat!" Moonwater argues quickly. Maplestar forcefully touched noses with Plumpaw before glaring at Moonwater.

"Look Moonwater, I just want Plumpaw to make sure she really wants to be one and thought it best to train her as a warrior for a little awhile. It shouldn't be an arguement"

"Yes it should be because Plumpaw wanted to be a medicine cat apprentice, and you agreed to that" Moonwater protested.

"It was my final decision, and I believe I have made it clear. Now sit down so I can continue with the ceremonies!" Moonwater glared harshly at Maplestar before sitting down.

"Are you not taking into the account of what Plumpaw wants?" I asked out loud, the crowd turning to me. Maplestar clenched her jaw before turning to Plumpaw.

"Well what do you want?" She asked harshly to my daughter.

"I-I... Umm-I'm sorry-I-" my daughter trailed off, unable to force an answer out. She was too scared.

"She isn't protesting, now if anyone else wants to interrupt I have a ceremony to finish. Ashenkit please step forward"

"Mom..." Ashenkit looked worried at due to the scene that just unfolded.

"It's ok Ashenkit" I purred. She nodded softly before slowly coming up to Maplestar.

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ashentuft. Your mentor will be Mothdust. I hope Mothdust will pass down all she knows on to you"

Oh thank Starclan... I let out a sigh of relief. Mothdust, while stubborn, was still a great cat overall. Ashenpaw was also a stubborn, follow the rules cat so it might be good for her. Mothdust came up to the front and tried to act calm, though I can tell she was irate. Probably about my poor Plumpaw.

"Mothdust, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from me, and you have shown yourself to be quick thinking and decisive. You will be the mentor of Ashenpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Ashenpaw". Mothdust and Ashenpaw gently touched noses with eachother.

"Ashenpaw! Ashenpaw! Ashenpaw!" The crowd cheered, though it wasn't as jovial as it was for Eaglepaw. Plumpaw didn't even get a cheer.

"Screechkit please step forward" Maplestar called forth. Not one to back down in fear Screechkit stomped up triumphantly, giving her leader the stink eye. Maplestar glared back at my daughter

Not even my kits are happy about the sudden change. Good on you for giving that fix heart the stink eye Screechkit. I felt proud for her for that.

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Screechpaw. Your mentor will be Puddlesplash. I hope Puddlesplash will pass down all he knows on to you". Even more relief washed over me as the deputy and my friend walked up and sat next to Screechpaw. "Puddlesplash, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have shown yourself to be helpful and a talented hunter. You will be the mentor of Screechpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Screechpaw". I smiled as the two touched noses, with Screechpaw forcing herself not to bounce up and down.

"Screechpaw! Screechpaw! Screechpaw!"

"I present Thunderclan four new apprentices l, may Starclan light their path!" Maplestar ended the ceremony and wandered off back into her den, leaving Plumpaw confused as what she should do. The clan dispersed feeling down. Maplestars power move left a sour note to what should have been a happy moment. I went over to comfort my daughter, passing Moonwater and Puddlesplash as I did so. I couldn't help but over hear Moonwater hiss.

"How are you gonna be able to excuse that?"

"I bet she has her reasons ..." Puddlesplash trailed off.

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