Chapter 64: Maplestar

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I walked along the Windclan border with a unusually large group of cats. Since yesterday was the deadline for my ransom demands to meet, Briarstar ended up killing Snailstar. Drowned him in the lake two times before he finally went  limp and the weak tide drifted his body deep into the lake. Birchleaf was less than upset at that, declaring till she had my head Thunderclan better be wary of our border with them. I am not gonna take her threat lightly. Tinystar has also started pressing harder against Briarstar and, using the beech around the lake, had been attacking my border patrols along Skyclan in small bursts. I can't confirm wether or not this is correlated to the death of Snailstar but because of her and Birchleaf I have doubled the sizes of patrols. Cardinalrush was leading a large patrol along Skyclan while I did one along Windclan. I got stuck with Iceeye...

"Can we please hurry up?! I don't want to be too tired for the walk to the gathering tonight!"

"Please, Iceeye, complain in your head!" Springtail snapped back.


"Shut it Iceeye!" Springtail, Silverfeather, Branchtail, and Coppernose yelled at the grey and white tabby tom. I could still hear Iceeye mumbling things but it was at least quieter than his normal complaining. I don't think my warriors thought I was listening in on them so they all started having small talk.

"Hey Springtail, I noticed you and Slatefoot have been getting really close recently" Coppernose implied.

"No we aren't having kits any time soon Coppernose, we are just having a good time with each other that's all" I swear I could hear Springtail roll her eyes.

"You don't have to have kits Springtail," Silverfeather imputed, "me and Skyleaf were always on the log about having kits".

"I mean, Slatefoot and I both want kits, just we want to wait longer that's all"

"I remember when Sunpelt told me she was expecting kits" Iceeye sweetly said. "I had a literal panic attack cause I really thought she was just eating too much prey".

"Of course you would think that" Branchtail laughed.

"Sunpelt was such a scary queen" Silverfeather nervously laughed.

"Yeah, everything had to be perfect for when our kits came" Iceeye laughed with Silverfeather. "By the way Coppernose, how is Nightrain taking to the queen life so far"

"She loves hanging out with the kits but she really would rather be out hunting and patrolling to be honest"

"Orchidfrost was thinking about becoming a full time queen now that... you know..." Branchtail started.

"You can say Dawndrops name Branchtail" Coppernose said kindly.

"Dawndrop was such a kind and diligent Queen" Iceeye commented. I flicked my ears at what sounded like a cat crashing through the forest. I froze and swiftly turned to in the direction of it. The rest of my patrol Turing in the direction of the loud noise in suspicion. Ashenpaw came jumping out of a bush frantically panting.

"Ma-M-huff-cough-Mapl-" she tried to say through her heavy breath, "Shadowclan attack-huff-Skyclan border patrol-huff-Cardinalrush-every cat is back at camp..."

"We are cutting this patrol short" and ran towards back to camp. Iceeye didn't feel like sighing in relief at something  so dire. We rushed through the forest and back into camp. I didn't even poke my head out of the entrance when I heard the wail of anguish. I spotted Fallensnow's body drenched in blood as Silverfeather cried and ran over to her side. Forestfrost was trying to comfort her mother while Fireash sat distantly away, looking mourning-full at the youngest littermates body. I looked around at the injured border patrol looking for Cardinalrush.

"Where is my deputy?" I asked Mothdust. Mothdust looked up from licking a wound on her shoulder and then at her paws sadly.

"She tried fighting Tinystar on her own... we were too frantic to remember to grab her body". My eyes went wide in shock.

Great... I need to pick another deputy... I thought as I looked around. I noticed Moonwater wasn't around checking the injured. "Where is Moonwater?" I growled. Mothdust glared at me and then rolled her eyes.

"She was out getting Cobwebs so she isn't here. Eaglepaw went to get her. She said that out loud before leaving but it seems you were never listening". I glared back at my former apprentice before turning to Branchtail and Coppernose.

"Go retrieve Cardinalrushs body!" I barked the order.

"Who is gonna be deputy now?" Branchtail asked sincerely. I didn't answer. Branchtail took my coldness to just leave and go get Cardinalrushs body.

Tinystar is gonna pay for this... I threatened in my head.

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