Chapter 22

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June 10, 2015

I haven't written for ages again. I've been reading a lot of books from the Magic Treehouse series lately... they're so educational. Amelia's 8-year-old sister Charlotte recommended them to me when I was at her place the other day, and even though that means they're a bit young for me, I'll read anything I  can get my hands on, so I gave them a go, and they're actually pretty good. I've basically just been reading those and writing my story. I also visited Amelia (as you know) and had another sleepover with Leanne. That was fun too, of course. I have a whole new list of book recommendations from her. Maybe after I finish writing this, I'll start reading some of them instead of more Magic Treehouse. They are a little babyish after all...

June 11, 2015

That was AMAZING.

Okay, so I'm talking about a book, Violet Wings. It was one of the books that Leanne recommended to me. It's a fairy book,but not your average fairy book at all. It's so original and amazing!!!And guess what... it has a sequel!!! It's called Indigo Magic.I'm going to start reading it right now!!! Bye!!!

June 12, 2015

I am so angry!!! How could the author just leave everything up in the air and not write a sequel?

Okay, so I just finished Indigo Magic. It didn't conclude properly at all. On the last page there was actually a list of things they still had to do. It felt obvious that there would be a sequel.I immediately went to the counter to talk to a librarian.Leanne was on her lunch break, so Tina helped me. I asked if we had the next book in the series, so she looked it up on the library catalogue computer. We didn't have it, and then she looked it upon the website the library buys books from, and there was no sequel!I'm so angry that the author actually did that.

June 20, 2015

Okay, I haven't written in ages again. I've now read all the new books Leanne recommended to me. They were: the Stardust series, the Whatever After series, The Tales of the Frog Princess,and the Magical Moon Cat series. They were all amazing. I've also written some more of my book. It's getting quite long! I'm almost finished chapter 33. Eternalee has predicted that Althea will only succeed in her quest if she makes a certain choice. Althea is nervous and time is running out. I don't know how I'm writing such a good story!

I also stayed with Emma a weekend ago! It was fun... we slept in a tent in the backyard and spent the whole night listening to different music, eating corn chips with sun-dried tomato dip and talking about Lemony Snicket, school and the unfairness of the Anti Book Movement. I told her all about my book I'm writing. She said that when it's published, she's going to buy it!She doesn't need to, though. All my friends would get it for free.Anyway, tomorrow is Brooke's birthday party! We're all invited, and it's a sleepover! I'm so excited. Bye, diary!

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