Chapter 36- What Did He Want?

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So I've never done this, but I really want to dedicate this chapter to @bby1brock, thank you so much for being so supportive of this book, I really enjoy talking with you as well :)

Eli's POV

Athena's asleep beside me. After dad left I sat beside her while she took a much needed bubble bath and then I took her to bed. Today was a lot. When she was tell the detective everything she seemed almost frantic, like she couldn't make complete sense of her own thoughts. She told that story and my heart broke for her. Who could look at this beautiful girl, with such an incredible soul and want to cause her any sort of pain. 

She looks so peaceful. If you only ever saw her like this you'd have no idea of the pain she's been through. It's her eyes, they are the only thing that give it away. She's so expressive. Her hazel eyes show you everything you need to know about her, if you take the time to look that is. 

I just want to take away all of her pain. I wish I could snap my fingers and she never would have had to go through that torment. I wish I could wrap my arms around her small frame and protect her from anything that cause her even the slightest harm. 

I feel so ridiculously proud of Athena, for filing that report today. She did it. She fought through two different panic attacks. She fought everything that's ever been drilled into that beautiful head of hers and she helped herself. She did that. 

She's going to be okay. She has to be okay. That night when she had her panic attack and tried to marr the beautiful skin on her delicate wrists with that harsh blade I felt a fear I never knew was possible. I felt helpless and hopeless. I just wanted keep her locked in my arms forever. I actually felt like I could kill the person responsible for breaking her that way. He should be the one suffering. He should be the one being thrown from sleep by nightmares. He should be the one terrified. 

My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing on the table beside me. I grabbed it and answered quickly so I wouldn't wake Athena up. I quietly got out of the bed and took the call in the hallway.

"Hey dad." 

"How is she?" He asked. I knew he was calling to check up on her. He loves her, and that makes me so happy. She has a parental figure to look out for her.

"She's sleeping. She looks peaceful dad. Like nothing has ever hurt her." 

"I'm glad she's getting some sleep. Are you planning to get some too soon?" 

"I don't know. I feel restless." I told him honestly. "How's D?" 

"She's good. Excited to see Athena at practice tomorrow." 

"I'm glad they get along so well."

"You know that means you're not allowed to hurt this girl right?" He asked as if the thought of hurting Athena didn't make me want to rip my heart out.

"Don't worry dad, I can't hurt her." I said simply. It's true, I physically cannot cause this perfect girl anymore pain. "She's it for me, you know that right? I don't care that we are only eighteen, I will never find someone better suited for me than Athena Marsden." 

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear. I wanted to talk about what happened earlier."

"Her story? About her scars on her hand? The story that make me want to slide a knife very slowly through that guys eyeball?"

"Graphic." He chuckled, but I couldn't find it in me to joke about this "That was chilling and horrifying, and heartbreaking, but no. I wanna talk about how you calmed her down. She was having a panic attack and you didn't freeze, you knew exactly what she needed. How?" 

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