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At St

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At St.Maria hospital...

''Doctor, please. How many times I told you that I am not ready to do this.'' He said rubbing his temples.

''Try to understand Mr Sehgal. Your wife is only living with the help of the ventilator. She cannot hear or see anything. She is in coma. Moreover, she is dying day by day. What is the need to let her suffer like this?'' The doctor said keeping a hand on his shoulder.

''Doctor, Bela is my wife. I know what she is suffering in that bed. But I cannot kill her. I am sure that one day she will come back to normal.'' He said with painful eyes. It was not something new to the doctor.

''Look, Mahir, I am her doctor. Only I knows about her situation. So please sign this.'' The doctors said keeping some papers in front of him.

''If you are her doctor then I am her husband. Only I can tell you what's going on in her heart. So please understand sir. You have seen by yourself what all I lost in my life. Still, why are you trying to take her away from me." I drop of tear escaped his eyes. The doctor didn't have an answer to his question. The only thing he knew is, he was helpless.
"I am not gonna kill my wife by signing these damn papers and never dare to bring this matter to me again.'' Saying this he tore the papers and stomped out of the room.


A knock fell on the door ICU door and nurses allowed him inside not even bothering to see his face because she knew, it's him only.
A small smile adorned his face seeing her again after a hectic day. It was like a ritual for him to spend time with her every evening.

''Hey baby, sup?" He asked addressing her face. He wish if she just looked at him.

" After seeing you I feel like the doctor is lying because you don't look so pale like yesterday. You look so hot today. But that idiot doctor is again asking me to sign some paper to throw you out of this world. But don't worry baby. Trust your mahir because I am never gonna do that. But you have to come back to normal fast because I am dying without you bela. Every day I come here and talk to you for a long time with the hope that maybe you will respond. But it's been more than 3 months and nothing improved. But I'll not stop talking to you just like you did. I'll always be with you and will do everything to get my old bela back. So don't you wanna hear what all I did today......'' He said smiling locking his hands with her. He stayed there for a long time and explained to her about what all he did. Then left there not before saying '' I'll come back ''and kissing her forehead.


"How do the meeting go?'' He asked Yuvi, who was enjoying his parathas.

''They cancelled the meeting bhai because they are saying that they want to meet you,''

''Doesn't they know my situation Yuvi?'' He asked frustrated.

''Bhai, what will I do. I talked with them but they are not understanding. Mr Rakesh is so stubborn that he wants to meet you.''

'' Fine then arrange a meeting tomorrow morning itself. I'll manage it. What about other things?''

''Bhai you don't have to worry. I am also here to help Yuvi na. Everything is fine. How is bela?'' Vish asked giving him a cup of coffee.

''Just like normal.'' He said and went to the room.

''It pains to see Mahir and Bela like this.'' vish said.

''Yes, vish but what can we do. Hope she will become normal soon'' Yuvi said digging on his parathas. She sighed seeing her foodie husband and made her way to the kitchen.

The next day meeting was fixed in the morning. Mahir did his work perfectly and they signed the deal. Later he went home and lay down on bed tired after spending a good time with bela. He was thinking about his and bela's sweet moments when all of a sudden.....

 He was thinking about his and bela's sweet moments when all of a sudden

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