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''Doctor how is he?''

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''Doctor how is he?''

''Yuvraj, there is nothing to worry. He is taking a lot of stress. That's why he fainted. Give him this medicine and ask him to take good rest.''

''Sure doctor. Vishakha, I'll drop him and come. Take care.'' Yuvi said and left with the doctor. Vish went to Mahir's room to check on him. When she found him sleeping, she took Madhu and went downstairs to feed her. But after some time, she heard some sound from upstairs. She immediately rushed to Mahir's room but he was missing. She checked the balcony, bathroom, other rooms but he was nowhere to be seen. At last, she came to the room where he fainted and there he was, sitting on the bed looking here and there.

''Bhai what happened,'' Vish said and kept a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her and said  '' She was here''. ''Who?'' she asked confused. ''Bela'' he said

''How is that even possible bhai. Bela is not here. She is in hospital. You are taking so much stress these days. That's why you are feeling like this. Take some rest bhai. Then you will be okay.'' she said.

''No vish. I am not hallucinating. She was here, in front of me. She was... she was asking me to save her from someone...someone who is trying to kill her and all.'' Vish was shocked to hear everything but said
'' Bhai let's go to your room first and take some rest. '' Vish brought mahir to his room and gave him tablets. '' bhai take rest. I am going. If you need something, then call me. '' When vish left, Mahir tried to sleep but was not able to as something was disturbing him. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but different things we're roaming in his head. Suddenly, he felt a familiar hand on his head. When he opened his eyes he saw his bela sitting near him and caressing his hairs. But he didn't pay any attention to what he was seeing and convinced himself that he is hallucinating.

''Mahir ji.....sleep. I am with you.'' She said and pinched his nose then again caressed his hairs. Mahir closed his eyes and drifted into deep slumber not before saying to himself again that he was hallucinating.


Mahir Ji, I know you are not able to believe me because she is in coma. She has only a short time left on this world mahir Ji. If she is not saved then you might lose your bela. I wanna tell you a Hundred times who is trying to destroy our family but I cannot because I am a soul. The world of death has its own rules. Still, It has given me a second chance to live by allowing me to communicate with you. I can only give you some clues mahir Ji. It's you, who should do something.
But mahir Ji, I'll try till my last breath to save your bela because she wanna live with you. She wanna spent her entire life with you. She loves you........

 She loves you

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