Chapter XV|||

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In hospital, ''Rakesh are you alright,'' Mahir asked his PA panicked

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In hospital,
''Rakesh are you alright,'' Mahir asked his PA panicked.

''Yes, sir I am alright. I only have fewer wounds. But all our office files.....''

''It's alright Rakesh. I'll take care of everything. Take rest okay. '' Mahir says and went to meet others. After meeting others he went to meet the police.

''Mr Sehgal. About 55 workers are hospitalized. In that 35 are in a critical situation. If anyone of them dies, then you may have to bear the consequences. We have searched the building. It is completely destroyed. All your office files have been burned. It's better to calm down people by giving them a good amount of money. Otherwise, it may cause you a lot. So lemme take a leave.''
He said

''Yeah, sure sir. Thanks a lot.'' Mahir replied.

On the other side, Rajat collected information about Teni. From that, he understood that she doesn't have any relationship with sehgals.

So he left for Sehgal mansion. When he entered the house, he saw all of them sitting in the hall and discussing. Bela was doing something in the kitchen.

He rushed towards mahir and asked ''mahir what is the relationship between you and teni.'' But mahir got irritated and asked

''Why are you asking this now. I am already staining in the fire,'' he said and rubbed his temples.

''Mahir I am asking you because....''

''Because of what. Did she put my building on fire? Stop your nonsense Rajat.'' He said and was about to go. But what Rajat said made him stop.

''I am not saying nonsense. Teni is behind all these. Maybe she is not then who put the building on fire. But she killed dr. Mehra because you came to know about somebody trying to kill your wife. Akshara was scared to tell us the truth because she blackmailed her saying she will kill her child. That there was not there to rob bela's chain but to kill her. But couldn't do that. So they hit her with a truck. That was not an accident but a murder attempt. Your child was a heart patient. But she didn't die because of that. She was murdered. This building fire was preplanned. They wanted to ruin your business and destroy your life. And that f**king Teni who was your school friend was behind all these along with your real enemy viral. Another f**ker who is scared to show his face to you.'' Rajat said shouted all these and sat on the sofa. Lavish who saw all these were also shocked. Mahir stood blankly rooted in his place. But when he felt somebody holding his fingers, he turned to see bela standing behind him with tearful eyes. Suddenly she felt like losing vision and fainted in his arms. Mahir picked her up and went to their room. Then he called the doctor.

After some time the doctor came and checked her. She prescribed some medicines and asked mahir not to give her any stress.

When she left, he lies beside her and pulled her close to him and She slowly snuggled into him. Later he felt his shirt getting wet. He knew his love was crying. But he didn't do anything as he was also broken from inside.

Rajat went towards Ruhi's room with tearful eyes. She was sleeping peacefully in the bed. Locks of mysteries were slowly being unlocked in their life but they only brought sadness to them. Rajat had no relationship with sehgals. But don't know why their pains are affecting him. He slowly moved towards ruhi and sat on the floor holding her hands after kissing her forehead. But suddenly he heard a faint voice. He opened his eyes to see ruhi looking at him with her dark brown eyes.
''Ra..jat'' she called him in her low voice.

jat'' she called him in her low voice

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