Chapter XX|||

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''Baby are you alright'' viraat asked Teni in a concerned filled voice

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''Baby are you alright'' viraat asked Teni in a concerned filled voice.

''I am fine viraat. I know you wouldn't let me they harm me.'' Teni said and hugged him. ''on the correct time you send that letter to him. The ranks viraat for saving my life. ''

''Mrs Teni Batra. You are mistaken. Actually, you have been thankful to me for saving your life as it was my idea.'' They both looked in the direction to see a young man in a hoodie standing there.

''Arjun'' teni squealed and jumped on him.

''I missed you a lot, my little bro.'' She said

''You little bro also missed you di.'' He replied and hugged her more tightly. She then dragged her to her room and locked the door

'' I told you to stay away from all these na. Then why are you doing all these? Arjun you are my brother. I don't want anything to happen to you.'' She said with misty eyes.

''Then what about you. You are the only family I have. I am doing all these to protect you. Teni you don't have any grudges with Sehgal. Then why are you trying to harm your friend and this family'' he yelled at her.

''Arjun why don't you understand that I love viraat so much that I cannot live my life without him. But he already told me that he will only marry me after completing his revenge. That is his promise to his mother. That's why I am helping him in his revenge.'' Teni explained

''By keeping your life in danger??. Today I did something like that because your life was in danger and as a brother, it's my responsibility to take care of you even if you are elder than me. Teni just listens to me. Leave viraat and come with me. With you or without you he will complete his revenge. He doesn't love you Teni. He is playing with your Emotions. We can go to London. There you can work in the best hospital and I will also join that company. '' Arjun was trying to put some sense into her brain but she didn't seem convinced by it.

''No Arjun. My decision is final. I am not going anywhere and help him complete his revenge. '' teni said and stomped out of the room.


After speaking to Vikrant, vish went to Ruhi's room. At that time ruhi was crying because of Rajat's behaviour. Vish rushed towards her and hugged her tightly pouring all her love towards her which she was suppressing for this many years. On the other hand, ruhi was shocked by the fish's sudden change. Seeing fish crying ruhi pulled her from the hug and asked

''What happened vish. Are you alright''

''Di I am so sorry. I failed to understand you di. I am so sorry. I didn't know that you are suffering this much. I thought that you don't care about me and mum. That's why I hated you. Its mum blamed you on papa's death because she was hurt so much. She hated you so much. But when she was on her deathbed her last vish was only to see you. But I was so angry that you didn't come. I hated it because of that. I am so sorry for everything di. I love you so much........'' and still vish continued to apologize and started blaming her. Ruhi was so much happy just to hear her sister calling her di after so long. Ruhi kept a finger on her lips spotting her from talking and then hugged her. After some time Rajat came to her room to see vish sleeping in Ruhi's lap and ruhi stroking her hair. He told this happy news to behir and yuvi who was equally happy to know that both the sister are together now.

The next day, Vish and Yuvi went to the mall to buy some necessary things for Madhu. While coming back they felt somebody following them in a black car. But they ignored that and went to an ice cream parlour. But again when they left the parlour that car started to follow them. After a few minutes, yuvi parked the car on the roadside and get out. Them nearing the black cat he said

''Why the hell are you following.....''
But before he can finish a bullet pierced through his chest and he falls. Vish seeing this rushed out of the car and took his head in her lap. ''Yuvi...yuvi....please don't ....close your..eyes..yuvi...'' her eyes were flowing. suddenly yuvi held his hands and said. ''Vish...vish run from here vish. Please vish...take care of Madhu...''

''How can I.....leave you and run.... yuvi. I cannot live......without you. '' she noticed that he is going out of breath. She immediately kept her lip on his and tried to give CPR but he was nearing his death. Vish patched his cheeks but his life was reducing '' please...stay.... she said in a cracked voice. Suddenly the man came from the car pulled his gun trigger. The bullet pierced through vishakha's head and she died. '' Vishakha'' . Yuvi who was still alive shouted her name for the last time and left the world.

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