Chapter XXV|

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In Virat's house

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In Virat's house

Mahir's pov

''Ahhhh''.... I screamed as somebody poured water on my face. I opened my eyes struggling only to see my bela tied to a chair, and Madhu in that teni's arms crying for us. But Rajat and ruhi were nowhere to be seen. But when I looked behind I saw him on the floor and blood oozing from his stomach. Ruhi was near him asking him to open his eyes. only me god. I already lost two of my siblings. And now I cannot afford to lose the rest that I have. This is bullshit.

Author's pov

"Hey, hero...what are you thinking? Ohh...lemme guess you must be thinking about how helpless and vulnerable you are right now. If then...Lemme clear that it's all going to end in a minute or two as I don't want my little brother to suffer so much. I will just say a few words and let you die. I'll be first killing your responsible, loving, hot and sexy wifey. Then I'll kill your best friend ruhi and our courageous policeman, Rajat. And then know what I'll spare her as I know the pain of living without parents. I don't want that innocent child to suffer so let's start our killing process.'' viraat said and went near bela. She was unconscious. He held her hair and pulled it harshly. She hissed in pain and whispered mahir Ji. But he was unable to do anything. he was sure that like some cinema's and stories, nobody is coming here with the police or anyone and kick those asses. Unable to see her in pain he closed his eyes tightly. Tears continuously dropped from his eyes.

Viraat held his gun steadily and was about to pull the trigger but somebody called him from back in an authoritative voice. He turned and said ''maa''. It was none other than Andy Sehgal's first wife Sumitra. She was standing with the support of a walking stick. He cupped her face and said

''Maa...why you came here. You need to rest. I'll manage these maa.'' but she pushed him aside and said ''no viraat...I was waiting my whole life for this moment and I cannot miss it for the world. '' She said and slapped bela. Then she took the gun from viraat. But looked at mahir painfully only to see him grinning widely. he told bela to engage them in a conversation through eyes. Sumitra pointed a gun at her head but bela said

''Why are you doing all these. What wrong did we do to you? ''

''You don't know what you did to us. I lost my money, family; house everything because of your father in law and your husband. I only loved Andy in my life, but he.....he took everything with me and left me in the streets homeless. And gave everything to that prostitute and her sons. Therefore it's my right to seek revenge from you all and nobody can stop me from this. ''

''but I can..and I will.'' They all turned their heads to see mahir. But what more shocking for them was Arjun standing with him. Bela smirked seeing it. Sumitra was going to shoot mahir but he kicks her hands and it falls. Viraat started fighting with viraat but when Sumitra was trying to stop her he kicked her stick away making her fall down. Arjun untied bela and helped her to become steady. Teni who was flabbergasted by all these ran from there with Madhu to a room. Seeing this Arjun and bela followed her. Teni entered the room and placed Madhu o the bed. Then opened a cupboard and took a gun from it. When she turned she saw Arjun and bela. She immediately took Madhu n her arms and pointed the gun towards her head.

''teni drop the gun and give us Madhu...'' Arjun said

''you betrayed us...'' she said ''I didn't betray anyone teni...I am doing the right thing. Now don't hurt Madhu. She is a child. ''he pleaded

''Please teni....please....'' she begged to cry. Teni thought something and pointed the gun near her neck and pulled the trigger. But fortunately, Arjun pushed her at the right time. And slapped her. She fell unconsciously. Arjun patted her cheeks and then took her in his arms. Bela also picked Madhu and kissed him all over her face. Then both of them went downstairs to see 5 to 6 of the goons surrounding mahir. Arjun laid teni on the sofa and helped mahir beat the goons. When there was only viraat left, mahir took a gun from the floor but suddenly they heard the sound of a gun firing. They looked in the direction to see teni with a gun. She aimed to shoot mahir bela pushed her and it hit viraat. Viraat fell and screamed in pain. Teni ran toward viraat and took his head on kept on her lap. Then she checked his breath and understood that he died. She felt numb all of a sudden. When Arjun hugged her to console hers she cried loudly into his chest. Bela when she spotted Rajat and ruhi in a corner, she rushed toward than to see Rajat lying on a pool of blood breathing slowly. Ruhi lying near him unconscious. She tried to wake them up. When her attempts failed she turned to call mahir but screamed his name when she saw Sumitra shooting him from behind. The bullet hit him and he fell into Arjun's arm.

Later in the hospital.....we can see ruhi, Madhu, bela and Arjun waiting outside the ICU. Ruhi came back to consciousness a few minutes before. Mahir and Rajat both are admitted. Rajat is out of danger. But mahir is in critical condition. Suddenly doctors came out of the ICU and stood in front of bela. ''We tried but couldn't save him....'' they said and left. Tears filled in bela's eyes and the next moment doctors rushed near her as she fainted.

 Tears filled in bela's eyes and the next moment doctors rushed near her as she fainted

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