Chapter X|

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''Mahir do you really think that this dumbass is gonna help us''Frustrated ruhi again asked mahir

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''Mahir do you really think that this dumbass is gonna help us''
Frustrated ruhi again asked mahir.

''Ruhi you are the one who asked me to take his help in the first place. Then what happened now?''
He asked even if he knew why.

''Mahir just think. Why he is so much interested in helping us? What if he is someone related to the criminal? Why don't we think that we?'' Ruhi asked.
Bela who was sitting peacefully near Mahir chuckled and leaned closer to him. As usual, he knew she is with him and he could feel it. Her soul is always with him.

''Ruhi, enough with your blabbering and concentrate driving. My one arm is still broken and doesn't want another one also to break. So please'' Mahir said holding his hands together. Bela who was enjoying all this suddenly remembered one incident.


''Mahir Ji how many times I told you to stop starting and drive. Why don't you just listen to your wife once'' Bela complained to mahir who was continuously staring at her while driving.

''Bela I always do what you say but today it's all about me. Especially when it's my birthday'' Mahir said and kissed her forehead.

''It's your birthday and I am supposed to give you a treat. But look what's happening here. You are taking me to some unknown place and giving me a surprise.'' Bela replied angrily

''Bela it's you all I have. The morning I just felt like to take you somewhere and that's why we are going. And about driving, bela how can I look straight and drive when my beautiful wife is sitting beside me resting her head on my shoulders'' He said with his sweet voice which melted her heart.

''Mahir Ji......''

''Yep bela...''

''I want to have...Jalebi''

''Why so suddenly bela....''

''Mahir Ji your child have mood swings minute to minute. What can I do? I can only eat and help her.'' She said nonchalantly.

The car suddenly halted and bela looked at Mahir only to see him shocked. ''Happy happy 28th birthday soon to be daddy'' she giggled.
It was all needed for mahir to burst into tears. He scooped her into his arms and adorned her with multiple kisses.

''Excuse me, Do I look like Victoria secret model to you? Can't you see my face is literally covered with scars? Look how ugly it looks'' These words of ruhi brought Bela from her la-la land.
"I too don't want to ruin my face more. So just shut up and lemme concentrate'' she said and huffed in anger increasing the speed. Seeing that Mahir burst into laughter but controlled seeing her glaring.

''Asshole'' she murmured.

After some time, they reached Rajat's home
Ruhi parked at the act and the trio entered the house since it was not locked.
"Breaking into a policeman's house...huh" Rajat questioned seeing them.
"I never knew that breaking into a house when the door is open is a crime." Mahir sighed at their children like behaviour. "Can we just stop this and discuss our case." He announced. Rajat nodded and asked. " Mahir, yesterday you told me everything about the case except what happened to Bela. I mean her accident."

"Hmmm... That day had a wedding reception to attend. One of our common friend's. It was one month after our daughter's death. It was a very hard time for both of us. Some of our friends asked her about her. I knew this was coming and I kept mum but bela reacted badly. After coming home we both fight because of it. After coming back from home we fought over it. We both said some mean things and I ended up slapping her. It hurt her a lot and she did what she always does. Took the car keys and drove at high speed. About 30ins later I got a call that she met with an accident and is admitted to a hospital. She was mentally and physically so weak. It was all because of me. I shouldn't have raised my hands against her." There was a pin drop silence. 

''So did you bring what I asked you?'' Rajat asked diverting the topic.

''Yes,'' mahir said and wiped his tears. Then he handed a Pendrive to Rajat. Rajat connected it to his laptop. It contained a few photos and video. Rajat viewed the pics and asked
''Mahir, so you suspect one of them is behind these?''

''Sir, I brought these only because you need me to. These are my business rivals. But I dont think any of them will do something like this because I always felt my family away from the business world. Some of them doesn't even know that I am married. But you see the last suspect. He is an exception. One day he tried to steal Bela's purse when we went to the park. It happened the same month as our daughter died. When I tried to catch him he ran away. At the same time a lady, who was sitting exactly where bela was sitting a few min ago, was shot and died at the spot. Investigation and stuff went on but nobody was able to find the culprit.
The pen drive contains few videos too. One from the day of Bela's accident, the party and Next, the day at the park. I had myself checked this footage but didn't find anything unusual.
After some more discussions, they left and Rajat checked both the videos.

First, he felt everything normal in it. But when he checked again he noticed that the person who tried to steal her purse at the party, wearing formals.

He immediately dialled mahir's number and he picked in the first ring itself. "You are a lucky man. It seems like we have found our first clue." He said smirking.

" He said smirking

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