Chapter \/

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''How dare them to do this to my bela

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''How dare them to do this to my bela. If I ever see them again then I'll crush them like a piece of crap .''
Said a very enraged mayor to himself. Falling out of his furious thoughts he went towards bela and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
'' Bela what you said was right. Something is wrong here. I am gonna change your treatment to a better and safe hospital. Don't worry baby, nothing will happen to you. I am going to meet the doctor now. Just a matter of a few minutes and I'll be back.''  When Mahir left, Bela's soul came out of her body. She took the broken medicine bottle in her hand and followed him. While walking, some people saw a broken medicine bottle following mahir. They didn't saw bela as she can only be seen by people whom she wants. Even a person faint seeing a medicine bottle flying and a child started to follow her. So she slipped the bottle into Mahir's coat pocket and both went to his cabin to find no one there. When he saw a nurse coming to the doctor's cabin, he asked the nurse about him.

Mahir: Excuse me, Where is doctor Mehra?
Nurse: He met with an accident today morning. A truck hit him. All thought that he is dead ( even the writer) but he is not. He is being brought to the hospital.

Bela and Mahir were extremely shocked to hear this. Suddenly Mahir's phone rang and he moved near the stairs to attendant it. Bela disappointedly goes behind him. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes When she saw Mr Mehra being brought to the hospital in a stretcher. ''Dr Mehra....... maybe he can help me. '' She thought and immediately took the same kerchief she gifted him from his pocket and thrown it down the stairs.  Mahir who was busy in his call saw that and thought it accidentally fell from his pocket. He went downstairs to take the kerchief and was about to go when suddenly someone took hold of his hand. He turned to see Mr Mehra, his body wet in blood and breathing heavily, was trying to say something to Mahir. Mahir got closer to him, trying to understand his words. '' your... wife... They.. are in to kill... her...'' He said in a weak and hoarse voice.

''Whom? ''mahir asked shocked

'''' he couldn't complete as his soul left his body.


After 5 days.

As always, Mahir was near her caressing her hair and talking to him. '' Hey, wifey I hope you like this new hospital and environment. Now you are going to be okay soon. I am sorry that I was not able to meet you yesterday because I was pretty busy with a new dream project. But I promise you. Today onwards I'll not repeat this."

''Hey, Mahir'' A young girl called out.
''Hey, Teni... How is bela's health?'' he asked.


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''She is doing better Mahir. I assure you that she will come back to normal so soon,'' she said smiling and kept a hand on Mahir's shoulder.

'Thanks for understanding Teni.''
He said hugging her.
''Ohh common mahir I am your best friend.''

Later at home...

''Hey yuvi... vish.'' He wished to enter the home but was attacked by a girl on his back.
''Hey, Mahir darling.'' She said in a husky voice.
''Ruhi, What a surprise! When did you come'' He said and put her on the sofa.

''Ruhi, What a surprise! When did you come'' He said and put her on the sofa

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''Today morning.'' She said pulling his cheeks.
''Whatever it's a great surprise.'' He said smiling.
''Yes, it is..." A smirk appeared on her face and Mahir knew she is not gonna leave him soon. "Look Mahir, I wanna go to many places. Buy so many things for my new home.''

''You bought a new home''.

''Yep. But still, there are some renovations to be done. So I am gonna live here for so long.''

''No objections...What about your boyfriend.'' He asked.

''I dumped him.'' She said with a bright smile.

''What was the reason now?'' He asked casually as it's a normal thing for her.

''He is not my type.'' She said

''Who is your type then?'' he asked.

''You'' she said and went to her room. He laughed and said '' Sorry I am taken.''

Vish who watching all this looked at yuvi and said ''I am gonna kill her if she tries to mess up with me ''

''mee too...'' They both look at each other giving a nod and went to their room.

'' They both look at each other giving a nod and went to their room

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