Chapter X|||

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"Viraat, what is our next move? Bela is recovering and that police officer is hell-bent on solving that crappy case

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"Viraat, what is our next move? Bela is recovering and that police officer is hell-bent on solving that crappy case. If things are going like this then there is no doubt that we have to eat jail food one day" A lady told our villain viraat.

''My love, you don't have to worry. Everything is going as per our plan. Let bela recover. I want her to live to see the destruction of Sehgal's. Then that police officer,  he will not be investigating this case anymore ''
Then he smiled evilly closing the distance between them.

At Rajat's home, he entered only to find them tensed.

"Woooh... I can't believe that my beasty friend and the grumpy officer is not fighting today. Well, what's wrong?" He asked playfully.  But Rajat sighed and hand him over a paper.

"Come on guys. This is bullshit. They cannot just pass the case to someone else. We were making progress na." He said after reading it. The shock was visible on his face.  "Well, they did. Now there is nothing we can do."  Rajat said as a matter of fact. "No, no, no. There must be something else we can do. We have clues in our hand."  he asked hopefully. "Clues... Really mahir. Do you think these are clues? A f**king CDR containing only one number of an already dead person. How am I supposed to find the culprit if he is dead."

''Rajat we still have time. We can find him. But first, we need to somehow put you back on the case. "Mahir said rubbing the back of his neck.

" Mahir we cannot do anything. They are putting me on another case saying it's something more complicated. Is it my mistake that I am the only officer who has a brain here?" He complained and Ruhi rolled her eyes.  She stepped in between them and said
"I can't believe solving a case with idiots like you. Why don't you understand our problem here is that a new police officer is taking charge of these case today and we need to meet him. What if he can help us? She asked putting some sense to their brains.

"Then let's go" Mhair said taking his car keys.
" No, I cannot come there. You guys need to go. But I assure you ill still be a part of this case." Rajat assured.

At the police station, When they reached they could hear music blasting from inside. They both gave each other a look and entered to see a man in police uniform holding a beer bottle in his hands and encouraging others to dance and drink. But seeing Mahir and Ruhi they stopped.

"Arey, why did you stop dancing? I'll handle it. Come on, it's party time." He shouted. He kept his beer bottle down and slowly walked towards them.
"Can't you see we are having a party here? Now go"  he said.
"Sir we're here to talk about a case," Mahir said
"Mr Mahir Sehgal I know why you are here. But it's party time and wait... Do you wanna join us. Hey, gorgeous how about we have a dance here, shall we?"
He said and took hold of her hands. Anger took over mahir and he raised his hands to punch him but he caught it in the middle.

"Are you raising your hands against the police? Do you know that if I want I can put you in jail right now? But I am not gonna do that. And about your accident case, I studied it and It's clearly an accident so I am closed the case. Congratulations your case is solved '' he said and clapped for himself.

''This is unfair. Whom are you trying to protect? It's clearly a murder attempt. Aren't you a policeman who is supposed to protect peoples lives and wealth? Then why are you doing this.'' Mahir shouted at him. Suddenly Lucky took hold of Mahir's collar and said

''This is my kingdom. Only I have the permission to raise my voice here. If I say that this an accident then it is. No one will dare to oppose Lakhan Singh ahlawat or sweetly called lucky.'' He roared and pushed him. Mahir and ruhi left the police station and went to their home.

In the evening Rajat's home

''So what am I suppose to do now''
Rajat asked helplessly.

''Are you asking me. I don't know. I just wanna those two asses of that Lakhan Singh ahlawat or sweetly called lucky. I am ready to go to any extent to do that.'' He said sarcastically reply angrily.

''Mahir being angry doesn't improve anything.''

''Then what am I suppose to do. You don't understand the humiliation that I had to face them Mahir Sehgal never has been in a state like this in my life. And ruhi I still feel dumb for not doing anything when that bastard looked at ruhi lustfully. He is trying to protect someone that's why he is doing this. He is not going to investigate the case. Damn it'' he said and banged his hands on the wall. Rajat thought for some time and said

''I'll investigate the case secretly.''

''But what about the one that you are investigating now'' mahir asked.

''It's not an issue. I'll take care of it. Today onwards my home is our police station'' He said

 Today onwards my home is our police station'' He said

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