Chapter \/|||

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Next day morning

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Next day morning.

''So as I was saying then......''

''Mahir it's enough okay. It's been hours that you are talking with her. Now it's my time. I wanna talk with her. Get out. Move.'' Ruhi said trying to push him out of her room. How can she not then he has been talking to her for an hour not letting ruhi even meet her.

''Ruhi, she is my dear wifey okay,'' Mahir complained like a little baby. Bela who was listening to all these smiled at their banter holding his finger.

''Then don't forget that I am her best friend. Now get out move.'' She said and thrown him out of the room. Then ruhi came and sat near her. She didn't know what to say so she just hugged her. '' How are you, sweety?'' Ruhi asked. Bela smiles at her. "I don't know who is trying to kill you but I promise you that I will find out who it is. I missed you a lot these days and '' she wanted to continue saying also ask her more about the killer but couldn't as bela was looking at her shocked. ''What happened. You are looking shocked? '' Ruhi asked
Bela can only communicate by actions. By showing action she asked ''what killer?'' Ruhi was confused. 'She is the one who told mahir about the killer. But why she is asking this.' ruhi said to herself. But suddenly her phone rang and after saying bye to bela, she went out. She went to mahir and said '' Mahir, I got a call from the laboratory. The medicine that we send to the laboratory is highly poisonous. The person will die within 2 to 3 minutes after consummation. Also, the presence of this medicine cannot be found in the blood.''

''Are you f**king kidding me. Who is trying to kill her like this?'' Shocked was an understatement for his situation.

'"Mahir calm down. Let's go to Mr Mehra's home. Maybe from there, we will get some information regarding the medicine.''

"Are you out of your mind? He is dead ruhi" he said only to receive a deadly glare from her. "Fine let's go'' mahir said gritting his teeth.

In bela's room, her eyes begin to feel heavy all of a sudden and fell into a deep slumber. Immediately her soul came out of her body and started following them. Mahir started the engine and bela sat on the back and ruhi on the passenger seat. About 10 minutes later, he pulled the car on the corner and took a deep sigh. His eyes were flooded with tears. Ruhi put her hands on his shoulder and said ''Mahir relax.''

''How can I relax ruhi when somebody is trying to kill my wife. I couldn't do anything when they killed our daughter. And now they are targeting my wife. Why? I never hurt anyone in my life intentionally. My bela too. Then whom? Why? What mistake did we do in our life?'' He broke down in front of her. He was a crying mess. Seeing him cry Ruhi's eyes also filled with tears. She also started to cry. He wished if he was just alone in the car. Bela felt pity for herself. Never in her life, she has seen him this vulnerable and now, she was not able to comfort him. Slowly passing through the metal door, she walked away from the car. The raindrops not bothering her as she is a soul with no physical body. She was flying aimlessly, Completely broken. When she covered a good distance away from the car she heard a big sound. When she turned, she saw the most horrifying thing. Mahir's car was badly hit by a truck and was lying on a corner of the road. Again the truck reversed and once more hit the car making it fly on the road and land on the corner. got crushed like a crumbled piece of paper. There were no people on the road. Bela rushed towards the car. It was lying upside down. The driver side door was impossible to open because it was lying close to the wall. So she went towards Ruhi's side. She opened the door and tried to pull her outside but noticed her leg was tangled with the seat belt. Also, she was wounded badly. Bela slowly got rid of the seat belt from her leg and pulled her out of the car. She laid her on the road and went to mahir. He was stuck in his seat. The seat belt was not allowing her to pull him out from that direction. ''Mahir mahir please get up. Please.'' She called him but he was still unconscious. She noticed the front glass was broken. She went there and pulled him carefully through the front. She checked his breath but it was uneven. Immediately police and ambulance came and took them to the hospital. 'Maybe anyone called thee ambulance'  she thought.

In hospital..... He slowly opened his eyes only to see a few doctors running here and there. He blinked twice thrice but nothing clear. Suddenly he saw a petite figure caressing his head. " Mahir..." Her sound reached his ears which calmed him. He smiled at her. For a moment he forgot his pain. 'stay with me, please. Stay with me''. He mumbled and she nodded. But alas, she soon disappeared into the thin air and he closed his eyes dropping one last tear.

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