Chapter XX||

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''The thief''

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''The thief''

''What!'' bela told mahir what all happened.
''Bela are you sure that it was that man.'' He asked doubtfully.

''Of course mahir why should I lie. I am sure. It was him... Mahir, I am getting scared. ''

''Bela you don't have to worry. I am here na. I am not gonna let anything happen to our family.''


''Hai, how you doing,'' Rajat asked ruhi.

''I am fine Rajat. But what happened to you. You are hurt. How did this happen'' she asked concerned

''No no, it's just some scratches. It will be okay'' Rajat said. Ruhi wanted to scold him for not taking proper care of him but didn't as she doesn't want him to think that she cares about him. In the case of Rajat, he wanted ruhi to talk to him, scold him. But he knows that stubborn brat won't. So he tried to start a conversation. But then comes another query. What to say.
At last, he came up with something

''Ruhi can I ask you something.'' She nodded.

''Why vish doesn't like you.'' Ruhi's eyes became misty hearing this.
He got panicked and immediately hugged her to console her.
''Please don't cry I didn't mean to hurt you'' he said. Unknowingly his eyes also got wet Seeing her cry. She pulled back from the hug and said.
''I am not her real sister. Vish's parents didn't have children. So they adopted me when I was 3 months old. Then after 5 years vish born. But still, they always considered me as their own daughter. I was 16 when I came to know that I am not their daughter. It was hard for me to accept that fact. So I started to keep a distance from them. It was so painful for all of us. I was 21 years old when I fall in love with a boy from my college. We continued our relationship for the next 3 years. But when I completed my studies dad started searching for good proposals for me. I told him that I love someone else and he told me to bring him home. I brought him home but dad ad mom didn't like So they denied our relationship. But I got blind in love and eloped with him. But I didn't care about anything. I went to his home at night to see him and another girl in a bad situation. It broke my heart and I started to walk on the road. But I fainted and some people's took me to the hospital. Doctors confirmed that I was two weeks pregnant. My family came to know this. Dad was totally broken by this and he died because of cardiac arrest. Mom and vish started to hate me then. And I again elope from there not able to face them. Mahir was the one who helped me to go to Australia. But after 2 months I had a miscarriage and lost my child. They all think that I killed my child and made up a story to get their sympathy. '' Ruhi said this and hugged Rajat not able to control. ''I am so bad Rajat that I didn't even try to sort our issues. I wanna explain to them a hundred times that why I did this. But couldn't as I know I am Guilty. I have been so cruel to all that I didn't even take good care of my child. I lost my dad because of my stubbornness. I lost my virginity as I got blind in love. Madhu thinks that I'm an angel. But the reality is I am a devil....'' she said and cried more. Rajat was in a confusion. He loves ruhi but he didn't know what to do. His brains asking him to leave her an ego but his heart wanna hold her close to him and give her a new life. He pulled her from the hug and said ''sshhsss ruhi. Don't cry. You were guilty. But not anymore. You understood your mistakes and you regret whatever you have done. So please don't cry. Vish will surely understand. But it will take time. Look we all love you. Mahir and bela consider you as their sister. For madhuri, you are an angel. truly are. '' he said looking into her eyes.

''What am I to you'' ruhi asked Rajat wiping her tears. 'You are my love'. He wanted to say this. But he decided to bow down to his brain. ''You are my friend ruhi....''
He said in a cracked voice and went to the balcony. Suddenly he broke into tears and sat down with the support of a wall.

''Rajat, don't suppress your love for her like this. She has suffered a lot in her life. Please don't hurt her more.'' He looked in point direction to find vish standing there. She wiped the tear that rolled down her face and left from there.

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