Chapter X\/

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Mahir and Rajat reached the hospital

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Mahir and Rajat reached the hospital. They asked the receptionist about ruhi and she told that ruhi is admitted to the ICU. passing through bela's room while going to meet ruhi, Mahir saw nurses and doctors around bela there. For a moment mahir forgets about ruhi and rushed to bela. Rajat tried to stop him but all go in vain.
He pushed the peoples aside and went near her to see bela sitting in the hospital bed fully recovered. Teni was checking her. Mahir's eyes flooded with tears seeing his love, lifeline like this. He felt like again his colours came back to his life. Beautiful Hope's of a wonderful life filled inside him. He moved near her and hugged her tightly that no evil intentions can touch her anymore.

''Bela.....'' He called her with the love and pain which he was suppressing all this time.

Knowing that it is him, bela hugged him and started to cry badly. ''Mahiirrr.....jiii...'' she replied.
Rajat who was witnessing all these, not wanting to disturb him, went to meet ruhi alone........

He reached in front of ICU and stared at ruhi through the glass. Lots of equipment was connected to her. But she doesn't seem serious. There is only a banged on her hand. Doctors were still inside the ICU. When they came out Rajat asked ''Doctor what happened to her''

''Who are you'' Doctor asked seeing him so tensed

''I am her boyfriend'' Rajat spit out suddenly. The doctor seemed convinced hearing it. He kept a hand on his shoulder and said

''Look Mr Your girlfriend was injected with some high poison medicine. She is unconscious now. She is lucky that she didn't go into coma but her right arm is paralyzed and her left arm is broken. Also, she lost her voice but not permanently. As I told you it was a highly poisonous medicine which is only available in foreign countries. We found her lying in an isolated area of this hospital Where there are no cameras. I think some fight take place there. Anyhow, we have informed the police. They will be coming here shortly. You can see her now. Don't worry about your girlfriend. I assure you that she will be cured.'' He said this much calmly hoping he would understand. But what captured his attention was
''Did I tell you that I am her boyfriend'' he asked confused.

''Yes,'' the doctor replied smilingly And then he left. For a moment Rajat stood there lifeless cursing himself for the blunder he said. But on the other hand, he felt really good about the feeling of ruhi being his girlfriend. He went inside the ICU and stood there keeping his hands on hers. Unknowingly tears made their way through his cheeks. He doesn't know why but his heart was aching for her.

In bela's room, all nurses and doctors left the room leaving both of them alone. Bela made mahir sit on the bed and she sat on his lap keeping her head on his chest. Tears of happiness were flowing from their eyes.
''Do you know how does it feel to be in a coma.'' She asked him to earn a nod.
''It feels so good mahir Ji. You know a deep slumber. I feel so energetic after sleeping for... I don't know how much time. But it feels so nice. You know what...I don't think that I can sleep for some days. So I think we both can do something for time to pass..... You know like making love to each other.....Every night''
She said to cheer him. And as she expected her naughty husband became more energetic cheering this.
''Why only night......let's do it in the morning too. That would be nice and comfy you know.'' He said smirking. And as always she blushed. She turned to the darkest shade of red. She slightly hit on his chest. He acted like it hurt and fell on the bed along with her. He then hovered over her and smashed his lips on hers. Both were enjoying the kiss. Mahir wanted to do something more but what to do as Teni came and disturbed them.
''Guys you have a lifelong romance so please stop doing this here. I'll give Bela discharge and then you can do all these. So pack up and get ready to go home. Because you have a beautiful life ahead.'' Teni said and left.

Suddenly something strike mahir
''Bela do you remember anything about that person.', Mahir asked bela but she seemed confused about this.
''And mahir I forget to tell you that bela doesn't remember anything that happened when she was unconscious. Maybe she will remember it after taking proper medicine. But bela please don't take any stress as otherwise, your mahir Ji will become mad.'' Teni suddenly came and said this.

''That means bela doesn't remember who is the killer. She doesn't know anything that she told me as her soul. I shouldn't let bela know all these. I cannot take any risk about her.'' He said to himself and hugged her. 'Mahir Ji, you were saying about some person. Who is that''
''That's nothing, Bela. Everything is fine.''

Rajat's tears fell on Ruhi's hand. She slowly opened her eyes to see Rajat in front of her with tears filled eyes. Rajat immediately hugged her tightly and placed a kiss on her forehead.
''Are you fine ruhi'' he asked. So tried to say something but her sound was not coming out. She was shocked that she lost her voice. She looked at Rajat. He hugged her to console her.
''It's okay ruhi. You will get your sound back. Don't cry.'' Ruhi burst into tears because of her helplessness of not able to say who is the villain.

'' Nothing is fine mahir. Nothing is ever going to be fine. Get ready to lose everything except your life. Because I want you alive to see your destruction...Hahaha'' TENI said and laughed evilly.

Hahaha'' TENI said and laughed evilly

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