Chapter |\/

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''She loves you

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''She loves you......'' saying this her soul went away not before pressing her lips on his forehead softly. Mahir was in deep sleep that he only woke up the next day morning. After his morning chores, he came downstairs.

''Bhai come and have breakfast.'' Vish said.

''No vish I am going to the hospital. I wanna see if she is doing good or not. I am not feeling right about something. Yuvi I want to change bela to some other hospital. I don't feel she is secure there. Please do something quick.''

''Bhai, but why. They are taking good care of bhabhi. Bhai I suggest you not to change the hospital.''

''No yuvi just do as I say. Just find one of the best hospitals in and do the arrangements.'' He said and went outside.

''Yuvi, I'll come now,'' Vish said and went behind mahir. He was about to open the car door but vish stopped him.

''What happened vish?'' mahir asked demented.

''What do you think you are doing mahir'' Vish asked

''What wrong did I do? I am only doing right by changing bela's treatment to another hospital.'' Mahir replied.

''Mahir are you doing this just because bela came in your dream and told you that somebody is planning to kill her,'' Vish asked sarcastically which infuriated him.

''Vish try to understand one thing that It was not dreaming. I was in my full sense. It was bela who was in front of me. And even if it was a dream, it's my bela who told me these things and that means, there is some truth behind it, Okay.'' Mahir said sternly which irked her.

''Mahir, you are damn hallucinating. You fear that bela will leave you is driving you crazy. That's why you are feeling like this. You fear that she will die..."

''STOP IT VISSHHH..... I know that my bela will never leave me. I am just doing all these for my bela. You get that......'' Saying this he pushed her aside and staged the car. He was trembling with anger while driving. His whole face becomes reddish and his eyes were pooling with tears. Being unable to control his anger and pain, he pulled the car to aside and took a small handkerchief from his pocket keeping it near to his face. It was bela's '' why are you doing this to me bela. Stop this nonsense. Please come back to me. I am missing you like hell.'' Saying this he started to cry very badly. His trance was broken when traffic police knocked on the window and asked him to move the car from the middle of the road. Whining his tears, he started driving and reached the hospital.

At hospital.....
When he entered the room,  He saw two nurses giving something to her. Tention was visible on their faces.

Nurse one: Do you know
what, You are the best nurse here. So, you should better give this.

Nurse two: yeah I agree that I am the best nurse here. But you are the bravest one. So it's better that you should give this medicine.

Nurse one: But not in this case. This is very dangerous. If she dies. The doctor will kill us.

Nurse two: Look I assure you. She won't die. You just give it.

''WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE......?'' Mahir yelled at them making them flinched and dropped the medicine... ''ARE YOU BOTH TRYING TO KILL MY WIFE... IF I EVER SEE YOU ANYWHERE NEAR MY WIFE THEN I'LL KILL YOU THAT INSTANT'' he roared and both of them rush out of the room scared. They went to the nurses' cabin and dialled doctor Mehra as he was not in the hospital.

Nurse one: we were about to give medicine to that lady but her husband came and shouted at us.

Doctor: Damn it...What is the matter with you both? Can't you even do one job perfectly?

Nurse two: No doctor, we didn't do anything wrong. He is the one who shouted at us.

Doctor: I don't want any explanation. Just keep the medicine back in my drawer and lock it.

Nurse two: Doctor....the medicine..... it's broken.

Nurse one: we are extremely sorry doctor. When he shouted at us, it accidentally fell from our hand and... it broke.

Doctor: Oh god...... both of you...never...ever dare to come in front of me in your life.
He yelled and cut the call.

" Now what am I suppose to tell him'' he said and massaged his temples. Suddenly he got a call from an unknown number.

''Did you give the medicine to her?'' A lady asked.

''Actually... there is a problem. The broken'' Doctor replied

''What the ****. You are a doctor right. Don't you even know how to handle a medicine properly? It is a very rare and costly medicine.'' She yelled.

''I know but it's not my fault. It's the nurse's fault.''

''What!!!... In the first place itself, I told you that it must be strictly private. Nobody should know about our plan. Then why did you assign a nurse to give the medicine?''

''Look...I am so sorry for my mistake. I'll not repeat this. But please don't hurt my family. I beg you.'' The doctor begged.

Suddenly a man took the phone from that lady and said
''I am so sorry to say that I don't give any second chances to anyone. So goodbye.''

''Heloo...hello....'' CCRRRUUSHHHH........ A truck hit his car making it fly in the air.

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