Chapter XX|

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When she saw Madhu lying on the floor, she sat near her and took her in her arms

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When she saw Madhu lying on the floor, she sat near her and took her in her arms. Then she yelled for lavish. They both came there and saw Madhu. Vish picked her up and started crying. Yuvi was calling the doctor.  Bela rushed out to see that man's face and she got shocked. But suddenly

''Mamma papa I pranked you....hurray'' Madhu said and jumped in Vish's arms. All of them suddenly hugged her. Bela consoled vish and yuvi apologized to the doctor for disturbing him.

''Who was that uncle who gives you chocolate Madhu'' bela asked rudely holding her hand.

'''t...know,'' she said stammering being scared.

''Then'' she shouted.

''He...gave me chocolate and said he is...maasi's friend. He also told give this to you.....'' she said on the verge of crying and hand over a paper to her. Bela went to her room and opened the letter to read.

Hey darling. Remember me. Of course, how can you forget this handsome face of mine? Anyway, let's come to the point. Your whole family's life is in danger. Grave danger. If you want to save your family, then call mahir and ask him to leave Teni. Or else,  today Madhu only pranked you. But tomorrow she may die. Not only her, but all of you will also die. So do as I say. A small scratch in her body will cost you big.

Your's only villain.

Letter fall from her hand after reading. She closed her mouth using her hand to stop crying. She immediately called mahir but he was not picking up. She again tried but he didn't. She broke into sobs because of her helplessness and at last tried Rajat.


''How is that even possible. My parents only have two sons and that is me and yuvi.'' Mahir yelled at Teni. Rajat went out to take a call.

''Who told you that he is your parent's son. Your father first married Sumitra Sinha. She was the only heir of their family. Anand Sehgal's and Sumitra's was a love marriage. Anand was a poor man. He married her for her money. After when he got all her wealth, he brought poulomi, your mother to his home and throw the whole Singha family into the streets.  Then using her money Anand started the Sehgal industries and lived happily. But Sumitra was pregnant when she was thrown out. She somehow managed to raise viraat with the help of her family. But later when Anand came to know about them, he tried to kill them. Sumitra's parents died and Sumitra was left in a wheelchair was just. His whole life he lived with one goal and that is to destroy the whole  Sehgal family. But he will spare you. Because you were always a lucky child. You had everything in your life which actually belonged to him. He wants you to suffer just like he did. ''  Teni completed.

''But what role are you playing in this?'' mahir asked stunned.

''Viraat is my boyfriend. I am just trying to help him as he will only marry me if he completes his revenge.'' Hearing her reply he took the gun which was kept on the table and was about to pull the trigger when Rajat pushed him and said

''We need to leave her .'' He said and stared untieing eye the rope.

''What the hell Rajat. Are you mad?'' Mahir said punched him in the jaw.

Rajat kicked mahir in the stomach and said ''are you crazy? She is important for your family's safety now.

Mahir hit him with a bottle and said '' I need to kill her for that.

Rajat slapped him twice and pushed him on the floor. Then Rajat holds him by his collar blocking Mahir's hands with his legs. '' hold your temper you son of a boxer. It is not to be taken on me. Bela called me. We need to reach there immediately.'' Rajat said and both of them looked at her to see her smirking.


After reaching home, mahir rushed to see bela in their room. When he entered he saw her sitting on the floor wiping tears.
He went towards her and hugged her.

''It's alright bela. It's fine. They are not gonna just us okay. I won't let them hurt us.''

''Mahir Ji I saw him today.'' She said coming out of the hug.

''Whom.'' He asked calmly. But a strong fear was burning inside him.

''That thief''

''That thief''

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