Chapter \/|

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In the morning

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In the morning...

Madhu was playing sitting on the kitchen slab. At that time, she saw Ruhi coming from her room. She was so delighted to ask her and told vish
''Mamma please put me down. I wanna meet ruhi''

''How many times I told you Madhu not to go near her. Sit here and play okay'' vish said rudely. But Madhu being the mischievous brat, jumped from the slab but fell and started to cry badly. Ruhi who heard her cry came to the kitchen and saw Madhu on the floor. Vish was scolding her for jumping which agitated ruhi. She immediately picked Madhu and asked

''Why your mamma is scolding you baby?'' she asked. Madhu hugged her and said.

''I jumped from the slab and fell.'' She said sobbing.

''Who cries for that small thing kiddo? It's a good thing that rather than being a coward you bravely jump from the slab. That's a good thing'' she said to cheer up her mood.

''You can say like that because it's not your child. Only a mother heart pains when her child Is hurt.'' Vish said and tried to take Madhu from Ruhi's hand but she didn't allow it.

''Common vish, don't be a drama queen. She is not in any critical condition. She is just hurt but it will cure after some days. But why are you scolding her?'' Vish got an angry hearing this and said.

''I am not a Drama queen. I am just concerned for my child. What If she fell and broke her hand or had any injury?''

''Look Vish, if you are concerned for your child, then stop thinking negative things. And if you were concerned about your child then it wouldn't have happened.'' She said calmly and went from there with Madhu.

''Hey, where are you going with my child?'' Vish asked.

''To hell'' ruhi replied.

''But....'' Vish was about to say something but somebody spanked her from the back. When she turned she saw yuvi. ''Why did you spank me yuvi?'' she asked. ''stop fighting with her vish. ''You know that's of no use,'' he said and she rolled her eyes at him.

In hospital.

''Doctor.....Doctor..... ''A nurse came to teni's cabin shouting.

''Why are you running? What's the matter?'' Teni asked.

''Doctor the patient in room no 103 moved her fingers.'' The nurse said trying to catch her breath.

''I am coming now.'' Both of them rushed to room no 103.


''Ruhi why mamma hates you so much?'' Madhu asked
''Because I am a bad girl,'' Ruhi said. ''What type of Bad girl. Did you also jump from the slab?'' Madhu asked innocently. Ruhi smiled at her innocence and said.
''Baby, your Ruhi smokes, drinks
is a playgirl, cheater and also I hurt people. That's why your mamma hates me.''

''But papa drinks and smokes. I am a playgirl because I love playing. I some times cheat in-game. That means I am a cheater. And mamma some times hurts me by scolding. So she also hurts peoples. That means we all are bad boys and bad girls na. But mamma only hates you. Why?'' Ruhi burst into laughter hearing this and said.

''You know what, don't think so many things using this small head. It's not good for you. Okey

''Mmmm,'' Madhu said.
After playing some more time with Madhu, ruhi went to Mahir's room. When she entered the room she saw him ironing his shirt.

''Hey, fitness freak. Looks like today it's going to rain.'' She said.

''Why do you feel like that CHINTI?'' He said giving stress on the word.

''Common mahir stop calling me that. It was before 5 or 6 years,'' she complained

''How can u forget those moments of Ruhi. You being the chinti of my dreams'' Mahir said teasing her.

''Mahir...'' she said and smacked him.

''Okey okay.'' He said laughing.

''Now tell me where is bela,'' Ruhi asked.

''What. You are not acting, right?.'' He asked bitterly laughing.

''Why should I. Yesterday onwards I am searching for bela but she is not here. You know I cannot ask vish because we both are not on good terms. That's why I am asking you. Where is she?'' Ruhi said.

''Come with me to a place. I'll take you to where she is.'' He said and went to the dressing room to get ready. Ruhi noticed a drop of a tear falling from his eyes.

After some time they both reached the hospital. Ruhi remained silent the whole time. Neither she asked where they are going, not she wanted to know. His tears said everything. Both of them directly went to teni's cabin.

''Teni what happened to bela. Is she alright?'' Mahir asked entering her cabin.

''Mahir relax she is doing perfectly. And the news I told you about is that today she moved her fingers. And also she opened her eyes.''

Mahir's eyes filled with tears. He hugged teni and cried. Teni rubbed his back and consoled him. But ruhi was standing in a corner not interested in anything. ''Let's meet bela'' mahir said and all of them was moving from there when by mistake ruhi dropped Teni's purse and a photo fell from it.

Mahir took the photo from the floor and asked '' who is this''

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Mahir took the photo from the floor and asked '' who is this''

''This is NAMAN KAPOOR., my husband. '' Teni said. A small smile playing on her lips.

''Arey, I am so happy for you buddy. But I am mad at you for not inviting me.'' Mahir said faking anger. 'But why her name is Batra and her husband Kapoor.' Ruhi thought but didn't ask.

They entered bela's room. Ruhi who saw bela like this was so shocked that her mouth formed into a wide o. ''What the f**k. What is going on here?'' She said coming back from the shock.

What do you think? Is ruhi shocked to know bela was in coma or to know bela is recovering?

What do you think? Is ruhi shocked to know bela was in coma or to know bela is recovering?

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