Chapter XX|V

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''Madhu eat this food'' Bela said

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''Madhu eat this food'' Bela said

''No, I won't. I wanna see Mumma and papa. Then only I'll have the food'' Madhu said and folded her hand on her chest.

''Madhu please have this food,'' Bela begged.

''No I won't have unless I see Mumma and papa '' she shouted and throw the plate on the floor. Mahir who was watching all these stomped towards Madhu and pulled her by her arms

''What the hell are you doing Madhu. Is this how your parents brought you up. Your mamma and papa are not going to come back ever. They are dead. Okay so if you're hungry have the food or else starve.'' He said with venom spitting eyes and left for the bathroom. Madhu after hearing this being a stubborn child again kicked the plate to a corner and ran to ruhi who was watching all these. Ruhi picked her in her arms and went to her room with misty eyes. Even if it's not her child, it hurt her as Madhu is what she has which belonged to vish.

Bela rushed towards the bathroom and open it. But mahir was nowhere to be found. Suddenly she heard someone weeping and she looked towards the bathtub to see him lying inside it and sobbing.

''Mahir what's the matter with you. First, you yelled at Madhu. And now you are sitting inside this bathtub sobbing. What happened '' she asked

''You don't know what happened?
If not I'll explain. I lost my brother and best friend who was with me in my good and bad times especially when you were in that hospital bed lifeless and when my parents died. Okay. This is the matter. Now, what are you gonna do? Can you bring them back to life? Nope. Or reverse time. Of course not. So please leave me alone. Let me cry.'' He yelled at her and turn to another side. But she was not ready to leave him alone. She got inside the tub and laid on him.

Mahir, we all lost an important person in our life. It's not only you or Madhu. Mahir, we are grown-up people. We can understand the situation. but Madhu is not like that. She lost both her parents and she is too small to understand that. Always crying and yelling at her will only put salt on our wounds. So please stop crying mahir. If not for you then for me. Please. Vish and yuvi would have never wanted you to be this weak. So please mahir please.'' She said and started crying hugging him.

''Mmmm. I am sorry. I'll try not to...'' he said with his puppy face.

''Then go and bath. I'll make food for you.'' She said getting up. But he pulled back and said ''Don't go be with me.''

''In this tub'' she asked. He smiled hearing it and started tickling her. And then.....(private time)


''Rajat did you get the details,'' Mahir asked

''Yes, I got the car details mahir. That car belongs to one Mr Arjun Batra who is none other than teni's brother.'' Hearing teni's name mahir hands formed into a fist. ''Mahir I strongly believe that something is not correct. I mean lavish is shot in front of the store which has CCTV camera. The person who shot them wore a monkey Cape to cover the face. The vehicle used to do the crime belonged to Arjun They didn't use another person's vehicle nor tried to cover the number plate. It's clear that it was not a Mistake. Mahir, I think they want us to end this game.'' Rajat said his doubts.

''That's what me too what Rajat. There is no meaning in dragging this longer because still, I have a lot of things to lose. Find where that Arjun is and let's put a full stop to this game.

 Find where that Arjun is and let's put a full stop to this game

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