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a series of grand flashes of camera blinds the audiences from their seats, laughter and yells were all over the place. 


everyone chanted fervently, not even caring about their voices being hoarse due to the continuous screaming meant for the four females that were dominating korea. 

they were now currently at the top after their release of white wind, their last album on the four season vocal project. gogobebe was their title track, and everyone was falling in love with their diversity and vocal abilities. 

"so do you have any message for the youth out there?"

they were known to be one of the influential groups to be the first to speak about feminism, equality and mental health. it was no longer a surprise if they were going beyond boundaries of a typical idol group in order to help.

to some of the people, it was a big question mark on why they were accepting numerous amount of hates for their various projects for the society that doesn't concern their musical growth as an artist. 

and some were even joking, are they just mere idols, or do they have something to work with behind within' the government?

those questions were being thrown towards the girls as they erupted into laughter.

to their point, they were just four females who have been receiving the maltreatment of the society that they wanted to fight back -


as soon as the interview finishes, the female rapper's eyes went towards the leader, eyes squinting as her small yet slim fingers motioned her to look behind her.


she was acting odd, but incredibly skillful that no one was noticing her gestures towards the group's leader; kim yongsun. 

kim yongsun then shifted her eyes on the backstage, eyes falling into a set of staff who were grasping the thought of malicious edits towards them, and she could notice how their phones were on their hands as if they were talking to someone.

she obliviously parted her mouth, walking towards the editing room as soon as they were finished with their schedule. 

"room hundred A." yongsun heard a faint whisper from their youngest member; hyejin. 

hyejin was quick to walk past her, tucking the small knife on her pockets while wheein slips inside the 100A room of the building. yongsun could only sigh in relief after seeing them, directing herself to the waiting room. 

"yongsunnie, do you want your makeup done by now?" her stylist asks, as yongsun smiled softly, shutting the door down. "unnie," she mutters, eyeing the stylist that has her smile fading for a second.

"the activator." yongsun mouthed, looking around to see if any of the cameras were installed inside their waiting room. "byulyi already de-activated the cameras around." their 'stylist' commented, handing her the laptop as yongsun quickly places the gadget on top of the makeup table, frowning as she scans the room with wheein inside. 

"have she gotten the list of idols involved in the issue of sex-scandals?" 

yongsun heard her unnie speak, as yongsun shook her head.

"she's on the go." 

she clicks on the activator as soon as she saw wheein on the camera, plugging the flash drive down on the operating system of the editing room before yongsun eyes on the other room, seeing byulyi carefully disassembling the CCTVs and manipulating it to another set of videos.

"byulyi, tell hyejin on the back stage to turn the camera on." yongsun commanded, seeing byulyi lifting up an 'okay' sign as she pinches her ear piece to talk to hyejin.

"you have ten minutes to finish, we need to get out of the building." 

yongsun heard their somehow 'stylist' speak, seeing her take all their stuffs into the luggage, eyeing her. 

"yeah, there's only 4GB left on the files transferring." yongsun whispers, frowning towards wheein's room.

"i'm already on the van." hyejin whispers on the other line,

as byulyi replied. "last camera to replace, we're all done." she tucks in the chips onto her bag, looking around as she scrambled off swiftly. 

"finished! run out of the room!" yongsun hisses, quickly securing the files with password as she locks her laptop down.

wheein successfully had left the room after she was notified that some of the staff were already on their way. 

"is everyone out?"

yongsun asks, walking out of the building.

"yeah, we're out now." the three of them responded as yongsun chuckles softly.

"we're done on the mission, what's next?-" byulyi whispers on the other line, but was abruptly cut off when she bumps into someone.

"sorry." she whispers, only for her mouth to part as the male idol she encountered muttered. "careful, byulyi-ssi."

"byulyi!" yongsun speaks on the other line as byulyi cuts herself off. "just bumped into a BTS member, i'm near the van."

as if on cue, the four of them heard their CEO speak:

"get back to the headquarters." 

prompting a victorious smirk, the four of them nodded in response as they gathered inside the van. 

another mission accomplished.


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