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fourteen: disapproval


"found you!" 

yongsun yelled, aiming at his leg before shooting. by that shot, she screams out as soon as he fell down the grass. "you made it so hard." yongsun cusses, pinning him down the muddy ground, cuffing both of his wrist into the back as she yelled. "you're coming with me." she muttered. 

grunting, she heard him speak. "i'm not speaking no matter how hard you- ow!" he cried, as yongsun pulls on his hair. "i'm going to make you- asshole." she turns her microphone on, muttering. "i've found another lead, is everyone outside?" she asks.

everyone had finally left the building, and was gearing to leave.

"we have no time left." taehyung checks his watch, starting the engine as he yells. "seokjin hyung! get in!" he yelled. "but byulyi-"

"unnie can do it." wheein yells, even if she feels uneasy, eyes lurking around as she grips in the car door. "please oppa-"

hissing, seokjin shook his head before running inside the building. "seokjin!" taehyung yelled, opening the door as soon as wheein sighs in defeat, about to follow. "no, we're leaving." taehyung pulls wheein back. "you told me that noona can do it, right?"

wheein trembles all of a sudden, unreasonable anxiety running through her as soon as she saw the fear in seokjin's eyes.

"y- yeah..." wheein replied in hesitation, looking back at taehyung as he whispers. 

"believe me, she won't fail at this point." 

wheein sighs softly. 

she was so sure that byulyi could do it, but seeing him panic- sends her to hell. 

looking at hyejin, she knew that she has the same amount of fear.

eight minutes.

seokjin was running inside the building, and five minutes should be enough to run away after picking her up, seokjin frustratingly roams around the first floor to find her.

it took him a minute or two to find so, head spinning from constant running. 

finally finding her slumped on the floor while carefully cutting through, he breathed in. "byulyi, you-"

pausing, he saw her on the on the floor, wires cut and entangled in her fingers as her eyes went wide, looking up at him. "what are you-" she gasps, yelling. "what are you doing here!?" 

"how can you-"

byulyi immediately cuts him, whispering. "we're fooled."


"it's a bomb scare..." she trails-off, checking through the wires. 

feeling his legs giving up, seokjin chuckles hysterically, "it's gone." he whispers, hearing wheein and the rest sigh in relief. squatting down, seokjin mutters. "i'll really die early because of you." he turns his microphone off. 

"that's the last thing that we should be talking about!" byulyi retorted, adding. "they're already ahead of us." she whispers, as seokjin shook his head. "we'll talk about that later."

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