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eleven: secrets


taehyung slowly cracks his eyes open after the storm, grunting softly.

it's been more than ten hours he's asleep, he feels numb. then, all he could do was look around. 

"he's awake!"

he heard jimin from the other side yell, clapping his hands before he looks out from the room, trying to find someone- but there is none. sighing in defeat, jimin whispers. "pal, you're finally awake!"

grunting, taehyung tosses and turns, as jimin yelled. "don't move, the propofol is too strong earlier." he pressed his body down, making taehyung whisper. "what happened?"

jimin bit his lower lip upon the question, sinking down at the edge of the bed before murmuring. "don't you remember something before the incident happened?" he asks, eyes hopeful towards taehyung. in response, taehyung sighs. "i was with wheein... then someone was about to shoot me towards the head." he feels like his head is spinning.

"wheein pushes me down the floor, but we weren't aware that there's also a syringe attack down my body. " he explains. 

jimin stays silent at the narration, trailing-off. "do you see who the culprit is?"

taehyung rolled his eyes, muttering. "i'm sure it's a man." 

now the burden lies on jimin's conscience after mingling with yoongi's gullible judgment towards wheein and byulyi, even pushing that yongsun and hyejin might've been part of the frame up as well. 

"are you okay?" jimin whispers, looking at him. he chuckles, nodding. "just a little dizzy, it's not like i haven't been shot like this before." he carefully sat up, adding. "i almost died from the bullet two years ago."


"where are they?" taehyung asks.

"actually..." jimin sighs heavily, shaking his head. "i don't know how to start this, dude. i-"

taehyung squinted his eyes upon jimin's weird stammers, tilting his head. he knows that something definitely happened. "i... yoongi... well, even seokjin."

"what is it?"

jimin squeezes his eyes, ego falling apart. "we've accused the girls of attacking you, sorry." 

eyes widening, jimin was expecting for taehyung to let it slide knowing how he hated wheein. but instead, taehyung hisses. "why are you so sudden to jump into conclusions!?"

"we're worried, okay!?" jimin exclaimed back, as taehyung scowls. "even seokjin-hyung!?"

"uh, yeah... byulyi-noona and him fought..." jimin trails-off.

taehyung was silenced, repeating the words. "they fought?" he received a nod from jimin, full of guilt. licking his upper lip, taehyung stares into the space. "he went that far, huh?"

eyes lurking forward the opened door, taehyung forced himself to stand up as jimin yelled. "where are you going!?" he stood up, "you need to rest!"

"we need to settle out the plan before the enemies get to target us for the awards show." taehyung ripped the apparatus attached to his nerves, walking outside as he balanced himself.


"you should've said that you've been almost shot, too." 

wheein grunted, as hyejin pressed the disinfectant filled cotton-bud on her cut down the arm. "no use, taehyung's case is more urgent than a simple cut for an agent like us." wheein hisses softly at the refreshing yet stinging feeling of the medicine dipped in her skin.

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