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ten: cancel mission


"i did not do it!" wheein yells, everyone is inside the meeting room while taehyung was being checked by the nurse on his bed place.

jungkook had ran out, trying to find the traces as well as soon as it happened after catching a glimpse of someone outside. after realizing that jungkook and the other females were missing, he had dragged himself out without the control of their chiefs. 

the rest haven't seen that.

and now, most of the guys have been accusing wheein for doing the foul play, after knowing their relationship behind closed doors back then. yoongi was the eager one to push wheein into the edge, arising an argument while their leaders were not around.

"you planned this, didn't you?" 

wheein's eyes were almost tearing up in disgust, muttering. "why would i even bother to check him up if i want him dead?"

"then why did that happened too fast!?" yoongi exclaims. "stop it!" hoseok pulls on yoongi's arm, muttering. "she's not that wicked enough to do so-"

"is that the reason why you're so calm earlier?" jimin frowns.

"oh c'mon, not you too!" seokjin yelled at jimin. "why are we pointing our fingers at each other?" he calls them out, before yoongi yelled. "then why don't you justify why byulyi is not even here?"

everyone pauses.

right, byulyi is missing!

wheein was even speechless as well, looking around. she haven't found any traces of byulyi as soon as she went down. where could have she... been?

"even yongsun and hyejin were missing!" yoongi yelled, being the first to speak for the group. "are you telling us that we're responsible for your member's disaster!?" wheein shrilled, eyes tearing up in astonishment that made yoongi pause. 

"i'm not sure if i'm right, but i saw yongsun and hyejin running out of the field as if they're chasing someone." hoseok finally speaks after everybody's voices were toned down. 

yoongi frowns in response with a complacent yet sarcastic smirk. "you're all impossible." he shook his head, sighing in defeat before glaring towards wheein. "if i ever get to know who did this..." yoongi gritted his teeth.

wheein glares back, murmuring. "if i get to prove that it's not us, i'll satisfyingly break your jaw." she pursed her lips together.

"wait," hoseok whispers.

"where's seokjin-hyung?" he asks, their eyes falling into the opened meeting room.


he almost lost his mind searching, trying not to believe whatever yoongi was trying to say.

but she's missing, and she's been silent the whole day.

she must've been up to something.

seokjin pants heavily,  finally seeing byulyi inside the monitoring room.

her hands were moving as fast as her eyes, searching for something while frowning.

he felt blood suddenly rushing out of his body as he yelled. "byulyi!" 

she gasps while standing up, flustered at his sudden presence as she yelled. "what are you doing here!?"

"i should be asking you the question!" seokjin yelled back, shutting the operating room close as byulyi frowns. "open it once our leaders come back!" 

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