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five: gotcha


warning: implied violence, sexual actions, and languages.

where were they again?

oh right, they were both leading into the hotel by their own feet.

his hands pinned her down the bed, aggressively skimming through her whole body as the kisses intensified, allowing byulyi to get a hold of his shoulder with the other hand on the nape of his neck to finally locate his nerves to where to put the tracker. as much as she hated to admit, the guy that she seems indifferent with for the whole time in their group seems to improve unlike their last time.

it was hypnotizing.

one minute he's playful on screen, now he's like a beast devouring her to death.

finally locking the tracker on his skin as she simultaneously bit on his lower lip to distract him from the click, she heard him chuckle before he pulls her legs on his waist, pulling away slowly as he breathed through her lips. "still as sweet as before, byulie."

she was panting underneath him, hands letting go of his neck as she grips on his shoulder before mumbling. "this better be the last, kim."

the mockery was obvious on her tongue, and it amuses him. "that's a waste, then." he whispers, lips sealing back on hers as she hums in response, feeling his hand trailing on her waist up to the curves of her breast as her breath hitched. 

he laughs.

byulyi was too confident that he was not aware of everything, too driven with the joy of this small interaction as he breathed through her lips. "you don't wanna continue this through the year?" he chuckles, as she teasingly bit on his lower lip that made him laugh. "i might give it a thought."

chuckling softly, he whispers. "let me give you a concrete reason then."

he dived deeper, not holding back any longer as his hand perfectly lingers on her chest, cupping it roughly as he earned a moan from her, her legs hooking on his waist as he grunted softly, his lips detaching from her lips as he moved lower, down to her neck as byulyi adjusted her frame, wiggling her body as he mumbles.

"you're enjoying this too much." he initiated a conversation, as she giggles softly, hazed by his hands as he tugs at the zipper of her jeans.

"you still talk much in bed?" byulyi looks back at him, only to get a grin. "not really, just giving you enough time."

she freezes.

did he catch up on her plan?

"enough time to adjust to me." he saved his words, tongue gliding on her smooth skin to distract her after feeling her frame stiffening at his hint.

he knew it all the time.

"you're fucking loud." byulyi replies, watching him roll his eyes before pulling her zipper down, going back to her lips after shrugging his shirt to the floor, "right, you should be the loud one." he snickered, intoxicated by her taste before pulling away to feast on her neck once again, tracing the shape of her breast before falling down on her navel, pulling her jeans down to her silky legs, throwing it down on the floor.

the smallest action made her curl her toes, wrapping her legs around his waist before her hands roamed over his chiseled body, hearing his breath hitch on her ears.

he pulls back away, eyes clouded with lust before he roughly pulls her legs close on his waist to grind against her, crashing their lips together as she whimpers on his mouth.

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