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fifteen: open some wounds


"are we giving up?" 

taehyung spares his glance, hearing seokjin ask while leaning his whole body in the front door of his room. "what do you mean?" taehyung asks him back, packing up their things.  "we're already packing up our things, and i can't see any progress happening within' the assigned people after us." seokjin snorted, grabbing his own bag as well. 

"do you really think our leaders would stay still?" taehyung chuckled softly. "this is far from over hyung, we'll finish this in our hands." he zipped up his bag, turning to him. "in fact, i also know that you're far from fixing something between you and noona." 

he received a certain smirk from seokjin, shaking his head before whispering. "i'm just worried that they might bring up our past back again to attack us again."

taehyung purses his lips in response after recalling what seokjin meant.

"i guess it's not only me after all." taehyung grins softly. "so, you two had a past?"

"probably, almost." seokjin stuck his tongue out, helping him out with the devices. "what do you mean?" taehyung asks. "stop asking me silly questions, you're not even telling us why you left wheein all of a sudden." seokjin bit back, hearing him scoff back as the elder friend marches out of the room with the things. 

"whatever, it's not like it's reasonable enough." taehyung trails-off, gulping.

"you should talk it out after all of these, yeah?" seokjin asks, turning to him one last time.

"mm, you two should too." taehyung mumbled.

"i don't think she'd accept me considering how i left her hanging." seokjin chuckles bitterly, about to leave until taehyung speaks. "hyung."

surprised, seokjin looks back at him. "what is it?"

"they told me that if i continue dating wheein, they'll kill her." taehyung muttered, confessing his thoughts. seokjin was left stunned, eyes wide as he looks at his own co-member. taehyung sighs softly, whispering. "so i left."

"i didn't know that the girls have it's own agency like us, so i forfeited the relationship."

fist balling in the case, seokjin frowns. "why...a-"

"did they tell you that, too?" taehyung asks, eyes fixated on seokjin as he saw his jaw clenching with his fist reddening. "yeah... they... shoot byulyi in the arm that night when i took her home." 

he was silenced.

"i left her too, and i understand why she hates me." 

taehyung frowns, muttering. 

"did they told you that they'll eliminate her?"

seokjin gulps, looking around. "we shouldn't talk about that here." 

"hyung." taehyung calls him back. "what else did they told you?" 

seokjin breathed deeply. 

even with reluctance, he could only whisper. 

"it'll be too dangerous to be with her." 

they know.


they have been silenced for days by the agencies.

they kept on being monitored whenever they were in every show together.

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