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seventeen: eleven or zero


"that hurts!" 

mister jang screeches in pain, receiving a slap on his bruised cheek from yongsun. "i'm asking for the umpteenth time!" her voice were already hoarse.

far beyond the scene, they could only talk at how scary yongsun looks when mad.

"that's how she is." wheein twirls the lollipop on her mouth, glancing one last time at her member before flinching when they heard another hard slap on the cheek along with his cries. "damn, that hurts." hyejin caressed her cheek alone, staring blankly at the suspect tied up in a chair while being interviewed. 

"i didn't expect that we'll have to haunt out all the party-list running for presidential elections." hoseok sighs in defeat, ruffling his hair out of frustration.

"do you really think that you'll win against the involved party list?" mister jang hisses, kicking his feet out of desperation. "he's closer to the blue house than you may think." he chuckles loudly, howling into a sarcastic laughter as taehyung annoyingly licked his upper teeth, standing up before kneeling in front of him, meeting his eyes.

smugly looking at mister jang, he whispers. 

"do we need to bring your family here?" he asks, surprising mister jang even the members since it wasn't a part of their plan. "taehyung!" seokjin calls for him in a whisper, eyes meeting him as he mouthed once again, "what are you doing?"

taehyung smiles, shaking his head before heading back to mister jang. 

"don't drag my family into this!" mister jang yells. "oh, they won't be dragged into this if you told us who hired you in our headquarters." taehyung wiggled his brows, squatting down to face him. mister jang mumbles, "you really are a lunatic, aren't you?" 

taehyung pauses for a second, turning to byulyi who was shrugging her shoulders before looking back at him.

"just like how you like it?" he mocked his words for byulyi earlier, earning a harsh grit of teeth from the suspect. "speak." taehyung rose his phone, showing a picture of his family that made his eyes go wide. "YOU FUCKING-"

"i'll give you three seconds to tell us who we're going to find next." taehyung slips into a call, winking. "i'll count off slowly, take your time-"

"it's kim chanyoung!" he cried.

the rest of the group's eyes went wide, looking at each other. "the leading presidential candidate for the next election!?" seokjin stood up in surprise, yelling. "we just met him last time!" he commented. "he's the one behind our erasure!?" jimin asks in surprise. 

"he doesn't know you yet..."

taehyung snaps his head towards mister jang, hearing him gulp while his whole body trembles. "i was sent by them, and i was given two months to send them the complete details of who is involved." he clenched his fists. "tomorrow should mark that day."

yongsun squeezes her eyes shut in relief, whispering. "are you sure of that?"

mister jang gasps, yelling. "my family is in your hands! why would i lie!?" he stomped his feet off, as byulyi murmurs. "then we'll be holding them until we get to see if you're telling the truth-"

"please hold me as well, too." he whimpers, making all of them frown inside the room.

"what?" wheein disgustingly asks, watching him shiver. "they will kill me if they knew that i failed, i d- don't know how i'll hide by tomorrow!" he cried. 

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