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two: mission


"woah, there!"

a deep male voice emerged from a room, jumping immediately on the fences of the balcony as he avoided a knife to pierce on his waist. quickly gripping on the arm of the culprit, he quickly lifted his foot to kick him in the chest, forcing him to land on the glass window as it crashes down. "american people are different, man!" he complained, jumping down the fence as he quickly ran out of the room to sprint into the van.

"hurry up, namjoon!" he heard a yell from the other side of the room. "i've got the files!" his member hisses, pulling down his mask to reveal his identity- the eldest of the group;

kim seokjin.

"he's still alive!" namjoon complained, reaching his room as he grabbed the flash drive from seokjin's hand, as the eldest quickly shuts the door close to remove all of his accessories, slinging the bath robe on his frame as he jumps into the bed, hearing a rustling outside.

he squeezes his eyes shut before hearing a forced push on his hotel door.

he frowns while having his lips closed, pursing it before he heard the door crash.

opening his eyes wide, he smirks inwardly;

time for drama.

"oh my god!" he stood up dramatically from his bed, his eyes meeting an unknown with his sword lifted high up in the air. seokjin pretentiously shivers in fear, tying his robe dramatically while grabbing the telephone from the night stand as he yelled. "who are you!?"

his voice was shaky,

enough to be distinguished as fear.

or better be called as; a facade.

he saw the eyes of the culprit widening, looking around oddly at his room as he breathed rapidly, backing away as seokjin calls for the security with his shaky voice and hands. "there's an intruder on the fourth floor!" he yells, as if on cue- the man shook his head out of struggle, quickly running out of the scene.

just in time, seokjin was left with a victorious smirk as he places the phone down, pushing a button between his fingers to record the culprit's face on the remaining floors left down just as they planned, hearing a police siren coming through the high way down the place, which was called by jungkook beforehand. chuckling in triumph, he speaks closer to his ear buds.

"one down." he whispers, hearing a series of yells in victory as he awaits for the police to reach his room for inspection.

"he acts so well, i'm impressed." namjoon panted heavily while he reaches the van, quickly throwing the flash drive to taehyung who sticks it into the laptop, whispering. "took you longer before reaching down, though." he heard him complain, "man, he's strong!" namjoon wiped the sweat off his forehead, lying down the car as if he's going to die.

"i did not expect that a mafia shit individual would dare to negotiate in drugs with an idol back in korea!" namjoon yelled, clutching his chest.

"at least hyung had saved the scene." hoseok chuckled, still hearing seokjin's victim-playing on the hotel room, making up a scene about how his privacy was invaded by someone he didn't knew.

yet he was the one who stole the information from the other room. "ah, now that we'll be flying to korea tomorrow-" yoongi started. "what will be the meeting about?" he asks, frowning. "ah, bang-PD told me that they are also an idol group like us." taehyung coldly speaks.

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