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thirteen: back on the game


"everything is set." taehyung adjusted his earring-like ear piece, mumbling. "all we need is the set-up of cameras, byulyi-noona should be able to finish the set-up by 13:20." he adjusted the frequency of the communicating device, hearing byulyi setting up the van. 

"i'm leaving in five minutes, just waiting for seokjin and hoseok."

"alright." taehyung whispers, switching the screens open.

"how many tables are in the idol area later?" wheein rushes down the stairs, wrapping the gun with a bandage while running to yongsun busily sorting out the chips. 

"twenty-nine, it should be fair to put two each tables to hear any conversations near." yongsun taps her fingers.

while the members were busy sorting out their execution for later, do-hoon and bang-PD was watching them intently. "i told you, they'll be working when it's time to." do-hoon chuckles softly, testing the connection of the micro cameras along with the screen. 

"hyung, don't forget the replacement cameras!" taehyung reminded him, hearing him yell. "it's in the bag!" 

he already ran out of the place.

the meeting last night after they've disconnected every frequency-related device, plotting another set of plan along with the given instructions after confessing the doubtful and slow process of the head-justice department for their mission. 

thankfully, everyone is in the same page.

and thus, the intact reconciliation happened.

hoseok kept on telling them last night, "we only have each other to rely on now that we're in this altogether." 

and somehow, they have been agreeing with that.

it was still unclear whether wheein and byulyi would stay after executing the first mission, but they were hopeful that they won't be decreasing the numbers of the trusted people left.

byulyi checks the stability of her ear-piece, waiting for the rest as she held into the driver's steering wheel. 

after a few minutes, she almost cursed when the front car door opened beside her, leaving her baffled as she saw seokjin. shutting the door close, jin looks at her flustered expression. "what?" 

"sit in the back." she whispers, turning her microphone off to avoid their members from hearing them. rolling his eyes, seokjin muttered. "nah, my legs are too long to sit at the back." he looks at the  front, sounding careless.

he knows how hateful she turns whenever it's about their height difference. 

"jackass." she shakes her head, seeing him grin softly. "i told you to stop acting so familiar with me." she reminded him, watching him nod. 

"i won't act too close, won't touch you unfairly, would not do anything to offend you-" he speaks one by one, hearing her scoff. "stop it." she glares at him. shaking his head, he sighs softly before grinning. 

"i mean it last night when i told you that i won't screw up again." 

"i don't care."

"i know." he replied easily.

blinking in surprise, byulyi looks at him for a second, before averting her eyes to look at the road. 

silence came in between. 

"hey." byulyi speaks softly, catching his attention. "mm?" he looks back at her. "it's not like i still care but-" she inhales sharply, gulping. "what did you mean by hurting to protect me?" she bit her lower lip, gripping on the steering wheel.

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