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seven: heat


no one knew what happened after that encounter.

the day finally came for everyone's peace, the long table designated for twenty plus people, only to be occupied by their leaders and the members itself. 

everyone was required to reach the private room by their own, prohibiting each groups to be with each other upon arrival to avoid being followed by any media reporters

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everyone was required to reach the private room by their own, prohibiting each groups to be with each other upon arrival to avoid being followed by any media reporters. 

yongsun was the last one to arrive in the place, surprised to hear the silence in the enormous and extravagant dinner place as she bows down to everyone in a respectful manner, hearing a greeting from the so-called "CEO" of the boy group. "good evening, kim yongsun." bang-PD greets her, as she smiles elegantly at them, whispering. "i'm sorry for being almost late." she quickly sat at the empty spot beside byulyi, now comforted as soon as she sees that everyone was finally here.


she still has six minutes before the call time. 

she then glances towards wheein on the other side of the table, figuring out that she's away from taehyung who was sitting across byulyi, close to them. none of them were looking at each other, but she can definitely feel the tension arising from the silence among both groups.

only their leaders were talking. 

and then she shifts to byulyi, watching how she fiddled with the knife in her fingers, almost clawing the table cloth in front of her while averting her eyes away from the boys. she found another target to observe; kim seokjin. 

didn't she reasoned out that they hung out last night, and that they were civil enough for him to take her home? she can see the coldness in their eyes whenever they'd gaze at each other. 

and it's odd.

she tch-ed to herself, figuring out that she should set aside her personal opinions on this, before her eyes landed to their youngest member who accidentally meets her eye as well. flustered for a few seconds, she breaks into a kind smile after jungkook bows down to her kindly, throwing a generous smile that made her heart feel warm.

she hopes that this mission will be civil enough, she won't be able to bear any drama in this time. she needs to get the mission done properly since a year of progress isn't a joke to kid on. 

"it's 21:30." all of their personal agendas were set aside in one voice, eyes immediately shifting to do-hoon, as he whispers. "is anyone secured in reaching the venue?" he asks, receiving a firm nod and hum from the members, making him smile. 

"good," he started, before pressing the bell near him. "we should have dinner while conversing, let me head out and determine the case outside." he stood up, before bang-PD muttered. "i'll leave you kids to talk and know each other formally, make sure to remember the rules." he stood up, "we'll just make sure that this dinner night would be confidential." the two of them left, securing the door as they shut it.

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