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eight: positions


"are you tired of it?"

hyejin was silently eyeing the road after all the awkward and intense meeting earlier, now rubbing her palms together since she's in the same van with jimin and namjoon. "pardon?" her soft voice finally greeted the two. jimin could only shrug, murmuring. "the drama between our groups?"

"ah." hyejin realized, shrugging to herself as well. "i guess this is something that we'll have to get used to for one to two years." she chuckles. "sorry for taehyung's attitude." namjoon speaks, sighing. "he's just really..."

"it's fine, wheein and byulyi-unnie is hot-headed too." hyejin smiled kindly, "but i think that we should control them instead of opposing each other too." she added. "uh-huh, i really think that there's no big deal if jin-hyung and byulyi-ssi ended up close." namjoon murmurs.

"it's the rules of our department, though." jimin chirped in.

"department..." hyejin laughs awkwardly, looking out. "i'm pretty sure that everything will fall into chaos if two or more of us developed something more than crime partners." she continues looking out of the city.

"what do you mean?" jimin, being the curious one, asked once again.

"i just think that involving emotions instead of being technical would ruin the whole thing." hyejin grins weakly, facing the two. "so you're saying that you would be building walls against us?" namjoon asks her, as hyejin giggled.

"no, silly!" she shook her head. "for now, let's all focus on the case." she sighs softly.

"that's more important than our emotional relationships." she smiled at the two, bumping a little sense in their mind as namjoon smiled back, finally tearing his gaze away from her as jimin rose his brows in response.

"yeah, i think you're right about that."

they soon realized that they were now nearing the headquarters, the pathways were growing darker as they entered the parking lot below the ground level.

"i wonder what's going on with taehyung and wheein in the same van." jimin chirps in again, making hyejin giggle at his little nosy mouth. it was cute for her, a little surprising since he looks intimidating when performing.

hyejin then looks around, seeing how it looks like a- luxurious mansion.

it was somewhere far from their expectations, being all technical about the headquarters given to them. namjoon collected his thoughts, seeing how wheein immediately jumps off the van without waiting for taehyung and yoongi. he was thankful that yoongi was there, or the two would be on each other's throat once again.

it looks like jungkook and yongsun were on good terms, considering how they walked side to side outside from the van. what confuses hyejin a little was the odd chemistry of her byulyi-unnie and seokjin.

she was so sure of how the rest of her members mingle with bangtan, but byulyi seems to be in a conflict yet small agreement with seokjin.

she couldn't speak earlier, but she as well were sure that something happened last night but she won't bother. it's her decision anyways, since there's nothing ruined after that meeting of theirs.

she saw the two walk out of the van in silence, but they were in sync.

she frowns softly, deciding to shrug it off.

judging yongsun's piercing stares towards byulyi earlier, she knows that their leader would do the talking.


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