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After the criminals got arrested, everyone are relived now. Now only, Anand, Rajesh, Vijay and SamAina are there. Anand and Rakesh are very happy seeing Sameer alive. They hugs them.

'So this was the "URGENT" thing for which you had to go back, without meeting us?' Anand asked.

'Dad, the "URGENT" thing for which we had to go back, was Sameer ji wanting to meet his daughter,' she said happily.

'Daughter? We became Nana?' They asked. 'What's her name? When are we gonna meet her?'

'Saina Sameer Maheshwari,' He smiles. 'Dad, you all will have to come there, she is very small; we can't bring her here!'

'But for now, I want to meet everyone,' she said.

'Of course we will,' he replies.

They gets very happy and immediately leaves from there to make the arrangements, while they makes few calls, regarding the redevelopment and upliftment of Rajkot.

Plans are already underway for the dam to be dredged and refilled. Arrangements are being made for the water tanks to deliver water to the village, untill the purifying process is complete.

Lastly, they decides it is in the best interest of everyone if the mine is to be shut down, even though it have been cleared.


Naina is sleeping in the car, when she gets a call from an unknown number. Sameer picks it up. 'Hello!'

'Can I talk to Mrs Maheshwari?' The person at the other end asked politely.

'Naina is unavailable right now, can I take a message?' He asked him.

'Oh no, this is PRIVATE. I must talk to her and ONLY HER!' The person at the other end replies.

The voice is starting to sound familiar to him and he smiles as he recognised it. 'Mr Lee, it's me, it's Sameer Maheshwari here!'

No response from the other end, as Mr Lee is shocked.

He laughs. 'I am alive Mr Lee!'

'Your alive, my friend! I am so happy. God is great!' Mr Lee exclaims happily.

'So Mr Lee, what is the PRIVATE TALK you want to have with my wife?' He quires.

Mr Lee laughs, 'It's not what you think, Mr Sameer.'

He tells him to go ahead and he does. 'Mrs   Maheshwari and I have made your dream come true! The engineers have done their work and the school you wanted to build for the illiterate adults in Rajkot, is ready. It's been ready for two weeks now. I was expecting Mrs Maheshwari to contact me about the inauguration, but she hasn't, therefore I am contacting her. I am in India at the moment, maybe we could meet!'

'No need to do that Mr Lee. You are in India, we are in India, let's open the school tomorrow,' he replies.

Mr Lee nods and cuts the call.


Naina and Sameer gets emotional looking at Goenka Mansion, where they have arrived to meet everyone. 'You know Sameer ji, I had promised myself that I would return here with my husband and today I fulfilled it by coming with my husband,' she holds his hand and walks towards the door.

They gets surprised to see all the family member's present there to welcome them. They gets a grand welcome, as they walks inside. They hugs everyone emotionally and takes their blessings. 

'So I was right, it was jiju only whom I saw that day,' Swati said suddenly.

She looks at her confused. Swati tells her what she saw on her engagement day.


Naina announces their decision to close the mine to everyone. They agrees too, as it's in the best interest of everyone and will tell Stanley too. 'I don't think it will be a problem, because Stanley abandoned everything and left India when the quarantine was in it's second day,' Kalyani said.

'Tell Mr Phillips soon, then we all will go to see our grandchild,' Bela said excitedly.

Abha too agrees, 'Yes exactly!' 

Naina shows Saina's pictures to the family. All "ooed" and " ahhed" over the cherubic. 

'Naina, I want to tell you something,' Bela said suddenly.

'Yes Mom, go ahead!'

She is about to tell when Abha stops her. 'No nothing, talks will happen anytime, so just rest now!'

Naina nods and gets up to leave, when Vijay stops them and tells the about the press conference which he has held to tell the world that his son is alive! 

'When it's that?' Sameer asked.

'It's in an hour!' Vijay replies.

SamAina nods and walks away. 


Abha tells Bela to not tell about Preeti's comeback to Naina now, as she is very happy after a long time. Bela nods understanding her concern.


Naina just came out of washroom, when Sameer pounced on her, trapping her between his arms on her sides, his body in front of her, and the washroom door behind her. Her hands on his chest, and eyes fixed on his. 

'You look really sexy Nainu!' he said seductively, as he rubs his legs against her exposed calves, sending an electric current through her. She moves her hands around his neck. 'What's your intention?' 

He holds her waist firmly, and pulls her even closer. 'Like you don't know!'


He rests his forehead on hers for a long time, his warm breath falling on her face. 'You, me ON THE BED NOW!'

He crashes his hungry lips onto hers.



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SamAina FF ~TERA MERA RISHTA PURANA ~ BOOK 2 (√) Where stories live. Discover now