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A tropical storm is brewing in the skies over the Indian Ocean. Though Sameer is aware about it, but he had thought that the tempest is only supposed to hit, a day after tomorrow.

As in, a day after they did be back home. Bolts of lightning cracks through the night skies, and an angry roar of thunder follows. But the thunder is still very much in the distance, so they are still unaware about it.

The still, calm water is becoming vicious. The now-ferocious waves, crashes against the hull of the yacht, indicating a change in tide.


Due to the high-tide, the course that the boat is supposed to take- CHANGES!

The yacht is now, moving towards the storm, instead of away from it. The final destination of Mumbai, is becoming more and more DISTANT!


'BOOM,' a loud sound from outside, disturbs SamAina from their slumber. He quickly dresses and goes up to check from where the sound is coming.


Though the thunder and lightning part of the storm, is over, but the damage is already done!

Lightning have struck the sail earlier on, and the mast is threatening to fall any minute. It is already dangling by a thread and making a loud “BOOM” noise, every time the gale-force winds blows against it.

The torrential rain hammers down with so much force, that the boat is tilting to one side. Sameer sees that if the mast is to fall, it will fall on the top of the life-raft; which is their only hope for survival right now.

He battles undoing the large reef-knots from the rope that fastens the raft to the yacht. Time is running out, but he is spending too much time in 1 knot.

He moves to another, but there are at least 5 to untangle. A loud creaking sound is heard and the mast is about to fall on top of him and the raft.

The sight of the mast falling, freezes him. Making him wait for the inevitable.

In a swift motion, Naina grabs his arms and pulls him out of harm’s way. 'What’s wrong with you Sameer ji? Didn’t you see that THING coming down on you? Why didn’t you move? Why were you standing like a statue? I have never, EVER saw you like this  You are scaring me! Talk to me Sameer ji!'

He curls his fingers into a fist and punches it into the wooden panels, 'This was not supposed to happen  It wasn’t supposed to end like this!'

Continuously, he pounds his fist into the woods. Angrily, she pulls him away. 'STOP IT SAMEER JI, and would you please say CLEARLY what’s going on?'

'Nainu, the mast fell. The sail is damaged. It won’t be long before the roof caves in. Then rain will enter and boat will fill with water and sink. We have moved further into the Indian Ocean. Our only means of getting home was the life-raft, but that’s destroyed now!' He said in one breath.

SamAina FF ~TERA MERA RISHTA PURANA ~ BOOK 2 (√) Where stories live. Discover now