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After enjoying the fun filled and enjoyable activities, SamAina are relaxing at the edge of the hotel's pool.

Today’s whole new universe of Disney World with fun-filled and enjoyable activities have turned them into children's again!

But soon, their Florida trip is going to end and tomorrow morning they will be back in their yacht, sailing to the Bahamas and who knows where else!

He slowly puts Saina's one feet into the water, and in a flash she curls up her toes and pulls her legs out. She makes a crying face. He feels guilty. 'Sorry my baby, sorry! Forgive your Dad!'

He wipes her foot with his shirt and kisses her toes. She giggles, feeling ticklish. Naina takes her and nurses her, while he  covers them with his jacket.

He moves the hair from her forehead and speaks to her, 'Baby, you won’t remember this trip. But when you are older, Mamma and Papa will bring you back to Disney World! And you will love it. I promise!'

They heads back to their suite and sleeps.


After searching the suite frantically in the morning, but no sign of Naina or Saina, makes Sameer go in the panic mode. More so, as he tries calling her, but it's switched off.

He sees the bags, which are packed last night, are still at the same place, where they were.

Various thoughts crosses his mind, as he considers calling the cops. Just then, he hears the knock at the door.

He opens it to find Naina and Saina. He hugs them with full force, saying THANK YOU to God, in his mind!



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SamAina FF ~TERA MERA RISHTA PURANA ~ BOOK 2 (√) Where stories live. Discover now