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After exploring Bahamas for 10 day's, SamAina are off, to their next destination on the list - Casablanca, Morocco.

Sailing through the Topic of Cancer was an epic experience. Everywhere you look, it's just the plain blue sea, water, water!

Serene, soothing and comforting! But the journey from one destination to the next, would be their longest yet at sea, 50 hours to be precise.


The rays of the morning sun, pierced through the porthole windows of SamAina's cabin, in the yacht, thus waking Sameer.

The upper part of Naina's body is drapped over him, and he can't help but smile, remembering last night!

He moves her hair from her face and kisses her forehead, 'You’re glowing Nainu, you can deny it all you want, but I can tell, YOU ARE PREGNANT!'

'Mmm', she groans in her sleep and tugs on the comforter, hoping to fit in a few more winks of sleep.


Sameer shows Saina the scenic views, that surrounded them. Naina too came there and calls out to them.

He turns around to see her dressed in only a white sheet. She takes Saina in her arms, as she needs to be feed.

'Where are you going?' He asked her.

'To the cabin, to feed the baby,' she replies walking towards the cabin.

He walks in front of her and stops her, 'Do it here!'

'Out in the open?' She asked exasperated.

'Nainu, look around you, besides us, there is NOT A SOUL around! Besides, it’s so warm up here and the breeze is salty yet crisp. So refreshing!'


Okay, Mr Weatherman. I will feed her here. IF YOUR WIFE’S TOPLESS PHOTOS GET PUBLISHED, THEN YOU ANSWER FOR THAT!' She exclaims.

'NOBODY would DARE!' He smiles and sits just behind her and back hugs her in such a way that his unbuttoned shirt, covers her upper-frontage. 'This is the life, Nainu! Just the four of us, in the middle of nowhere!'

'Three of us Sameer ji,' she corrects him.

He places his hand on her stomach, 'Four, Nainu!'

She shakes her head, 'I am NOT PREGNANT, Sameer ji!'

'Yes you are! The first thing we do once we get to Morocco, is take you to a doctor. Then she can tell us WHAT I ALREADY KNOW!'

She again just shakes her head to him.


Casablanca, Morocco

As soon as SamAina reaches Casablanca, the first thing they does is to get Naina tested and hence, they visits a hospital.


The test result is somewhat peculiar. The doctor explains the couple, as they blankly looks at each other. 'Mrs. Maheshwari,  your pregnancy test reveals that you are NOT PREGNANT, but from your husband’s explanation about your eating habits and the fact that you had 2 bouts of morning sickness. It’s clear YOU ARE WITH A CHILD!'

She gets confused. 'But the test is -ve doctor, then how?'

The lady doctor smiles and explains them. 'The human body is more advance than science and technology! Though it's too early, for any scans or tests to show the pregnancy, but your body is already giving the signs. As soon as the egg got fertilized, your body began giving off the symptoms!'

She is still not convinced, so the doctor again explains them. 'It's true Mrs. Maheshwari, it's a very rare occurrence, but 1 out of 600000 woman get pregnancy symptoms, the moment fertilization has taken place. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Maheshwari, you are becoming parents once more!'

The doctor than holds Saina's hand, 'And you, little one, are not going to be “The little one” anymore. You are going to be a big sister!'

They thanks the doctor and leaves. She is still in a daze, while he is floating on cloud 9!



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SamAina FF ~TERA MERA RISHTA PURANA ~ BOOK 2 (√) Where stories live. Discover now