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SamAina are in a very compromising position. His shirt is completely unbuttoned and halfway of his body. Naina's coat is on the floor and he is licking the deep bite he had given her on the neck

Unaware to the couple, Arjun came in the room and gets shocked. He closes his eyes. 'I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING, I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!' He runs out of the room, disturbing them.

Arjun had come there to hurry up the couple, so that they wouldn't be late for the press conference, but got an eye-full instead.

She can't stop giggling. He gets annoyed and buttons his shirt incorrectly. 'It isn't funny Nainu!'

'Yes it is Sameer ji. You should've seen his face. I thought his eyes are going to fall out of their sockets!'

She correctly buttons his shirt. He is still annoyed. 'First it was MY SISTER, now it's your BROTHER. Both of them seriously need to get their own partners. Then only they would know how it feels to be interrupted!'

'Maybe we could get them together?'

'I am not in a mood to joke,' he goes out and catches up with Arjun. 'Do you want something?'

Arjun gets confused. 'Huh? What would I want?'

'Then why did you came to the bedroom?'

Arjun laughs. 'Oh THAT! You two need to be going for the press conference now!'

'I completely forgot about that!' He replies.

Just then, Bela came there and asks him about the matter.

'Mom, Naina and I will have to leave now. We will be attending a press conference at the hotel and then we'll spend the night there! Tomorrow morning, we'll leave for Rajkot; by the afternoon, we'll open a school there. And immediately after that we'll head home. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE SAINA, FOR ANY LONGER THAN WE HAVE TO!'

She nods in agreement, but her heart is broken, knowing that her daughter will be leaving again.


The press conference is already underway. Vijay have already announced, Sameer being alive and was living with amnesia.

The reporters are impatiently eyeing the door, waiting for Sameer's entry.

Finally, Sameer made his entry with Naina, Vijay, Divya, Rakesh and Arjun by his side. They all takes their seats behind the enclosed tables. Questions spews like a volcano. Each trying to talk above the other.  'HOW DID YOU LAND UP THERE?', 'WITH WHOM WERE YOU LIVING?', 'DID YOUR MEMORY RETURN?', "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA, WHO KILLED YOU?'

Before he can answer 1 question, the next have been thrown at him. He raises his hand and all became quite. 'I have no idea, who tried to kill me, all I know is that THEY DID NOT SUCCEED! A wonderful, kind woman saved my life and cared for me as if I am her OWN SON. Mrs Roopa, I WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT YOU DID FOR ME! Even now, YOUR STILL MY MOM and I love you!'

Naina smiles in approval.

 'You were away for so many months, ANY GIRLFRIENDS IN THAT TIME?' a reporter asked suggestively. 

Naina gets annoyed, 'NEXT QUESTION PLEASE!'

'It's okay Nainu, I will answer! NO! THERE WERE NO GIRLFRIENDS!' he replies.


'Well, tomorrow I have some work in Rajkot. Thereafter, for the next few months, I will be spending my time with my daughter!'

"DAUGHTER", "DAUGHTER" The word echoes amongst the reporters and a new round of questions blurts out.


They walks out, with their bodyguards holding back the reporters from following them. 


 After biding their family adieu, SamAina heads towards the penthouse suit, as they are going to spend the night there. Once inside the lift, she constantly tries getting his shirt off and even tries unbuckling his belt. He tries to put her hands down. She gets annoyed seeing his "DISINTERESTED" look. She holds his face in her hands, and squints her eyes at him. 'Where's MY Sameer ji? I don't see him!'

'I am right here, Nainu!'

'NO! Your not him. MY Sameer ji would have had me underneath him by now and he would be inside me!' 

The lift opens and he swoops her into his arms.


Sameer places Naina on the bed and takes off her sandals. She gets excited for once. 'Are we gonna have sex now?'

'No Nainu, tomorrow morning when you get up with a pain inside you and NOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN US, that will be a huge insult to me!' he pouts. She takes a pillow and hits him with it, repeatedly. They falls on the bed laughing and soon falls asleep!



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SamAina FF ~TERA MERA RISHTA PURANA ~ BOOK 2 (√) Where stories live. Discover now