What just happened?

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Everyone was waiting for Lena, ready to get game night started. The family was having fun, all but Kara, who was waiting for Lena to arrive. She never got to see if Lena arrived as the TV on mute in the corner switched to the news.

A portal had opened in National City's sky. J'onn was the first to notice, calling everyone's attention to it immediately. Kara didn't wait to find out more, choosing to change and fly up there herself.

"Kara! Wait!" Alex wanted her to wait for backup - something that was never going to happen.

Flying up to the portal, Kara realised that it was one of the portals they used to jump between Earth's. Not liking the idea that it was pointed towards the ground and in the middle of the sky, Kara waited, not wanting anyone coming through to unexpectedly fall to their death.

She wasn't waiting long before a figure came crashing through portal. Whoever it was, they were moving at an incredible speed. Kara, despite being ready, was unable to catch them, missing them by inches. All anyone could do was watch as the falling visitor plummeted towards National City, connecting with the concrete below with a BOOM! as dust obstructed Kara's view.

Descending into the dust cloud, Kara landed at the edge of a crater, the mystery woman (from what Kara could gather) was lying unconscious, blood falling from a cut on her hairline. Before the media could get a look at what had happened, Kara picked up the woman and shot into the sky.

Her trip to the DEO was slow, although she was in a rush, Kara didn't want to do any more damage to the woman in her arms. Landing on the balcony, Kara carried the woman through to medical, Alex and the other doctors ready to work as soon as she was on the bed.

"Kara, go see what Brainy knows about this." Alex ordered whilst she checked the head wound. Kara left without a look back, the woman's hood and partial face mask still in place.

Brainy stood at the consul looking through documents on the walls opposite him. Nothing on them jumped out at Kara, but he was reading through them faster than her eyes could keep up - which was saying something.

"What do you know Brainy?" Kara knocked on the consul waiting for him to reply.

"Whoever she is, she's alien. From the news footage I have gathered she crashed at a speed that for any human, no matter their technological advances, would kill them on impact. As to the type of alien, that I have no clue. Until Director Danvers is done trying to keep her alive I will not be able to gather any information about that."

Kara nodded along. "Okay. Any information on the portal she came through?"

Brainy brought up an image of the portal someone must have taken on their phone. "This is where things get complicated. I have been able to track the portal's origin thanks to technology Mr Allen left when he was here, but... it is not a where." Brainy looked at Kara, somewhat unwilling to divulge the next piece of information.

"What are you talking about Brainy?" Kara folded her arms, fixing Brainy with a stare.

"Um. It would seem our mystery guest travelled through the portal from 2039." Brainy was looking between Kara and the floor.

"That's impossible Brainy. Check again." Kara wanted to laugh at the sound of that. She could not deal with time-traveling aliens again.

"Supergirl. I checked my calculations five times. They are perfect. The woman currently in medical came from the year 2039." As Brainy finished talking, Kara shot back to medical to check on Alex.

The woman was still on the bed, hood and mask in place, while Alex was attempting to take some blood. The needle was about to pierce the skin when instead it snapped.

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