A Close Call

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Lena smirked at the man that addressed her, the one holding the kryptonite. "So stop me, but it had better be a kill shot because the only way you are laying a hand on Supergirl is over my dead body." Raising an eyebrow, Lena continued past them to stand in front of Kara.

The soldiers didn't look as confident as a moment earlier, some looking around at the gathering crowd. One in particular paled when he saw Wonder Woman stand next to her, sword and shield drawn.

Alex abandoned her bike, arriving on the scene and joining Lena and Diana in front of Kara. Her back to her sister, her gasping breathes driving a knife through her heart.

"Move aside or we will open fire." The one in charge seemed like the only one keen on that option, the rest increasingly looking around at the crowd and helicopters.

Something that surprised the trio stopping the team of military as they stood in a stalemate was the movement around them. After the quiet, the steady movement of the crowd falling beside them, protecting Supergirl, was inspiring.

"Then I hope you have enough bullets, because you'll have to go through us too." A woman beside Diana clenched her jaw and looked the man in the eyes.

A chorus of "Yes'" followed as every single person stood with them was prepared to die for their hero.

Looking around, the man with the kryptonite started to look unsure of the situation. The crackle of a radio rang out. "Strike team, return to base. I repeat, return to base." Not happy, the group of military slowly started backing up towards their trucks.

No one moved as the group got in their trucks, the last one still holding the kryptonite, not giving Kara a reprieve from it's effects. Something still prickled the back of Lena's mind over this whole thing. Something wasn't right.


Without thinking, Lena turned and pushed her way to Kara, who was still lying on her side. Silent. She wasn't making a sound. Pulling her onto her back, Lena pressed two fingers to her neck. Please. Please. Please. Nothing.

"No, no, no." Alex joined Lena's side. "She isn't breathing and I can't find a pulse." Alex double checked Kara's pulse, nothing. This couldn't be happening, she couldn't go like this.

Lena felt the tears falling, a pit forming in her chest. "You do not get to leave me here! Do you understand?" Lena started CPR. When her lips connected with Kara's, breathing air into her lungs, the electricity shouldn't have shocked her, but it did.

Again. Five beats and a breath.

Alex watched helpless. She couldn't do anything, couldn't understand how simple exposure to kryptonite stopped her heart.

Third time. Fourth. Fifth.

Lena refused to give up. "Wake up. We aren't done yet so you have to wake up." Seeing Kara lifeless, Lena realised what her future self had been talking about. Losing Kara without even trying, turning away happiness because it scared her, didn't do anything but give her regrets.

Kara coughed, Lena's hands still pumping her chest. Thirty seconds had turned into hours as everyone had stopped, waiting, preying.

Alex sobbed hearing her sister breathe again, "W-We need to get h-her out of h-here." Lena nodded, a hand stroking Kara's cheek.

"If we can get her back in my building I have a med bay on the floor below my apartment." Alex looked up at the CEO, confused, when she realised who she was talking to.

"How do we get her there?" Alex knew they couldn't lift her, she was pure muscle.

"I can carry her. We left the balcony door unlocked, I'll get her up there and the two of you can meet us." Diana put her sword and shield away, kneeling down to pick up her friend.

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