A Crazy Idea

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Standing with their friends in Lena's apartment they all took a moment to understand what Kara had just told them. Even Kal had come to hear what had happened when Kara managed to call him. The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife had any of them tried, none of them knowing how to solve this problem.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Kara looked around the group, Kal frowning caught her attention. "Kal?"

Everyone's attention fell on the man of steel as he sighed. "I have one." The silence that followed for most in the room wasn't for Kara as she heard everyone's heartbeats thud erratically. "Lois has always believed that if my identity was revealed and I lost the trust of Metropolis, that there was one way I could show them I would still protect them. She thought doing a live interview would help people see that I was human despite what I can do."

Lena nodded. "It could work." Catching Kara's gaze, she continued. "But you would have to be completely honest with them."

Nodding, they all looked between everyone. "So I'm guessing we are all in agreement. Meaning, who does the interview?"

Pulling out her phone, Lena sent a message and her phone's beep turned heads her way. "You're on Good Morning America tomorrow morning, she says be there at eight."

Kara smiled, everyone seeming to relax a little knowing that was dealt with. "That was easy. We now have my relationship with the public in hand so now we just need to figure out how to deal with Lockwood and the President."

Alex rubbed a hand over her face. "Hopefully solving one solves the other. Perhaps with the public on your side, they will find it too hard to kill you or kidnap you."

It was strange but even knowing the conversation was important Kara stopped listening, a plan forming in her head. Looking at the clock, Kara realised how late in the day it had gotten. With the plan forming in her head, Kara realised what she wanted before tomorrow.

"Lena, do you trust me?" Moving to stand in front of the CEO, Kara watched the confusion on her face.

"I can't believe you are even asking me that." Holding her hand out, Lena grabbed it with a smile.

Kara led them to the balcony ignoring the confused looks on everyone's faces. "Kal, follow us." She didn't wait to know if he was going to do it, wrapping her arms around Lena and jumping into the sky.

Landing outside the Fortress of Solitude, Lena got even more confused especially when Clark landed next to them in his suit. "Kara what are we doing here?" Watching Kara unlock the doors with the emblem like it was a feather made her forget slightly about her confusion.

Putting the lock down, Kara grabbed Lena's hand, leading her inside. "Marry me?"

The smile on Lena's face turned into a small laugh. "Was that it?" Kara frowned, nodding. "Darling, we are literal soulmates. Marriage at this point is already implied."

Grinning, Kara looked at Lena. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes." Lena was giggling, the sound echoing in the space around them. "I'm still confused as to why Clark is here."

The blonde bit her lip. "Well, normally it is only our priests can perform a wedding but when one isn't available it falls to the oldest family member."

Finally catching up, Lena looked at Kara. "You want to get married right now?" She wasn't sure what to think anymore, they had barely started whatever this was between them and Kara wanted to propose marriage?

"If we are going to end up married anyway, why not do it now?" It was crazy. Why wasn't she saying no? Lena couldn't answer. The words wouldn't come out.

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