Unannounced Visitor

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Standing there with her arms around Lena, Kara heard the elevator ding open. Lifting her lips from Lena's neck, she rested her chin on her shoulder. "Are you expecting someone?"

Leaning her head against Kara's, Lena frowned. "No, why?"

Slipping her arms from around the brunette, Kara pulled away. "The elevator just opened on this floor." X-raying through the apartment her frown deepened as she saw who was waiting outside. "It's your Mother."

Lena turned to face Kara, a wind greeting her as she was left alone by the windows. "What?" Rushing to see the doorway, Kara was stood with the door closed. "My Mother is in prison, she can't be here!"

Kara didn't move. "Well I'm looking at her, so I'd say she found a way out. Lena let Alex know and tell her we might need back up, then get yourself as far back as possible."

Taking a look at the blonde one last time, Lena made her way into her bathroom, grabbing her phone and calling Alex as she did. "Alex, my Mother is here -"

"I'll get a team and head over." Alex ended the call.

Kara waited until she heard Alex say she would get a team before opening the door, "Lillian."

As expected, the older woman didn't look happy to be met with the Super, but wasn't surprised by the fact. "Kara. I'd ask if my daughter is here, but I know she is." Lillian tried to step inside.

Kara put her arm out to block her. "Give me a reason not to drop you back in the hole you climbed from?" Watching Lillian's every move, the Super had to control herself not to simply burn a hole in the woman's chest.

Lillian rolled her eyes. "I know who wants you dead."

"Other than you?" Plenty of people wanted her dead, it was a hazard of being a hero but none of them were stood in Lena's doorway.

The older woman sighed. "You have painted a target on your back, Supergirl. One that is going to get my daughter killed."

Kara couldn't help the harsh laugh she let out. "Seriously? You have tried to kill Lena numerous times and I am finding it hard to believe you care now." Looking in her eyes, Kara saw nothing, no emotion, just cold, hard stone.

"You're right, I don't care. What I care about is being used and left without payment. It would appear the person that wants you dead didn't account for me wanting revenge." Lillian ducked under Kara's arm, the Super grabbing her forearm before she got a step.

"You aren't seeing her. Tell me who it is now." Kara grit her teeth, jaw clenching.

Lillian's voice dropped to a whisper. "Careful Supergirl. Wouldn't want you to get angry, would we?" The heat was forming in her eyes, glowing with the beginnings of heat vision.

Stepping closer, Kara lowered her voice. "If I was angry you wouldn't be alive."

A smirk formed on Lillian's face. "Supergirl does have a dark side, I was beginning to think it was all Red K last time." She looked down to Kara's hand on her arm. "Phil Baker."

Shocked, Kara loosened her grip on Lillian as the elevator opened, Alex and her team stepping out. "Lillian Luthor, you are under arrest." The Luthor didn't even try to stop Alex from cuffing her and leading her back into the elevator with the team. "Take her back to the DEO, I'll follow."

The sisters watched as the doors closed, Lillian's gaze never once leaving Kara. It was Alex moving to stand in front of the blonde that brought her back to the present. "Kara, what did she want?"

"She um, she wanted to tell me who wants me dead." Part of her knew it had to be someone high up, but the President himself was a hard one to swallow. If he didn't want her here, how long was it before he managed to get rid of her?

Alex scoffed. "Why would she do that?"

Just as Kara was going to respond, she noticed Lena's heartbeat get closer. Turning, she was already standing there listening to their conversation.

"Because no one kills a Luthor but a Luthor and being with you has put an even bigger target on my back." Alex looked at Lena, the CEO acting like this was normal.

"Okay, your Mother is more messed up than I thought."

Lena shrugged. "I'd say it was her sick and twisted way of showing she loved me, but it's not." She watched as the two of them stepped in enough to close the door. "So, who does she claim wants you dead?"

All of them knew they couldn't just take what Lillian said as the truth, but they all wanted there to be some truth to it. No matter how bad it was. "President Phil Baker." The words were a sigh, each of them too shocked to form a reply. They all stood there looking like idiots, their brains trying to form some sort of plan to make this better.

After several minutes, Alex shook herself free enough to speak. "I'll use a Truth Seeker on her to make sure but until then, " She pointed at Kara. "you are not allowed near the DEO. Until this is figured out, the number of people we trust just got a hell of a lot smaller."

Without another word she left, Lena moving to wrap Kara in a hug once they were alone. "It's going to be okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

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