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Kara left the DEO as the sun was rising over National City. Exhausted, Kara wanted nothing more than to jump into bed, but she knew she had so many other things to do. Showering, Kara sped to get ready, flying to CatCo to put in a hour or two so she could leave early for lunch. Kara avoided everyone at work all day, Lena most of all as she didn't even come into work, most likely choosing to work at L-Corp for the day.

Lunch rolled around and Kara had the article she was working on about the portal opening last night ready for Snapper. It was difficult but she managed to use the lie Alex had told her to use. As far as anyone would know, the person that fell from the portal was a friend of Supergirl sent off world for a mission. Kara exited CatCo and walked to Big Belly Burger a few blocks away, getting Lena's favourite and food for herself before making her way to L-Corp.

Entering the building, Kara fixed her glasses and made her way past security. Unlike the past few years, security didn't let her through. "I'm sorry Miss Danvers, Miss Luthor has requested you no longer be allowed in without an appointment." Kara didn't want to make a scene so nodded at the man, leaving with no intention of being beaten that easily.

Turning to the alley next to L-Corp, Kara sped into her super suit, soaring into the air, doing a lap of the City before carefully landing on Lena's balcony all the while making sure the food was safe. Kara could see Lena sat at her desk, ignoring the sound of the super landing on her balcony. Kara was sure Lena would have thought she'd try this the moment she couldn't get in as Kara, still it didn't stop her from trying to open the door into her office. Nothing.

Sure, the super could break the lock on the door if she used enough force, but that wouldn't help her relationship with Lena right now. Standing outside L-Corp, on the balcony, Kara knocked to get Lena's attention properly. Lena again ignored the super. Thinking it might work, Kara held up the takeout bag from Big Belly Burger.

"I brought your favourite from Big Belly Burger." Lena's hands stilled on the keyboard, but she didn't turn around. Kara looked down, "If you won't let me in, at least eat. Don't stop taking care of yourself because you hate me." With that, Kara put the bag of food on the floor by the door. She stopped to look at the CEO a final time, hoping she would turn around, when she didn't she pushed up and flew around National City.

There was something about the flying around the city that Kara loved - she didn't know what, but she loved it. Realising that she now had a few hours to kill, Kara headed home intending to sleep through the remainder of her lunch break from work. Without another article to be on yet, Kara left her phone in the kitchen, hoping that no one would need her for an hour or three. She only just remembered to change out of her super suit before crashing in her bed, asleep before her head met the pillow.

Waking up to her phone ringing, Kara looked out her window to realise that she had been asleep for longer than she had anticipated. Late-afternoon sun shone in casting her apartment in a golden glow, if not for her phone she would have found the sight calming. Speaking of the phone, it had stopped ringing for a moment, picking up again as another call came in. Kara took her time getting up, not wanting to speak to whomever had thought to call her constantly, not even the DEO.

Kara looked wide-eyed as she scrolled through the notifications on her phone when the call went to voicemail. Twenty missed calls from Alex, Five from James, and texts from Snapper. Kara decided to listen to her voicemail first, one of the seven left for her.

"Kara, we got the results back. I need you to come in as soon as possible." Kara left it to play the next message.

"Kara. I don't know where you are and I haven't had time to check your apartment, but I'm being serious; get your ass to the DEO before I have to come find you."

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